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Welcome To the Evyl Bytchez Cavern

"O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face! Did ever dragon keep so fair a cave? Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical!.....Was ever book containing such vile matter So fairly bound? O that deceit should dwell In such a gorgeous palace!" ~~R&J


Contrary to popular belief this is not a man hating website. We have been getting emails about that and obviously people can't read very well. BUT that's neither here nor there.
Ok a little background on the reason we started this page. We were talking about revenge that we wanted on a certain ex that shall remain nameless, and all the "EVYL" things we could do to him. Suddenly it was all about helping other people get their revenge, obviously it doesn't make the pain go away but it feels pretty damn good! It was kind of a reality version of the First Wives Club, only ex boyfriends and girlfriends(we don't discriminate men) So if you want revenge on your ex male or female. Email us!! In the mean time check out our Evyl Bytchez Hall Of Fame


Here are some links to some rather cool places.

Teen Poetry

Men Suck

SilverFlame's Fortress

Raining Daisy's Garden

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