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Tracys page

"Your life is a Blank Page.. Write your OWN poem."


"I am made from the dust and the stars. And the oceans flow in my veins. Here i hide in the heart of the city like an angel floating out of the rain. the evening plane rises up from the runway, over constillations of light. i look out over a billion houses and wonder what you're doing tonight. if i could wave my magic wand, id make everything alright. i'm not one to beleive in magic, but i sometimes havea second-sight. I'm not one with a sence of proportion, when my heart still changes overnight. i had a dream of a winter garden, a midnight rondezvous. Silver, blue and frozen silence, what a fool i was for you. I had a dream of the open water, i was swimming away out to sea, so deep i could never touch bottom. what a fool i used to be. If i could wave my magic wand, id set everybody free. Im not one to beleive in magic though my memory has a second sight. im not one to go pointing my finger, when i radiate more heat than light. Dont ask me, im just improvising my illusion of careless flight. Can't you see my temperature's rizing, i radiate more heat than light." ~Rush,"Presto" Core Music Publishing, 1989.

I think i started this webpage when i was in middleschool. Its easy to see that it's most definitely old. I don't update it very often, except a few key places. i'm going to work on it a bit within the next month if i can find the time. I'm taking a break from some of the other aspects of my life that consuming everyday activities. I doubt anyone reads this thing anymore, unless i send someone to it. Perhaps i can change this soon enough.

"In all of history, more people have been killed by their own government than in all wars, so when a government is put together that doesnt kill its citizens, someone is gonna be upset" - daddy


theres nothing crowding your thoughts anymore
theres nothing trapping your heart
theres nothing stopping your words as they were
theres nothing ripping you apart
theres nothing scarring your skin so pure
theres nothing bruising your life
theres nothing wasting your words anymore
theres nothing but the rest of your life
theres nothing singing a song you dont hear
theres nothing but the music you love
theres nothing writing your mind into fear
theres nothing but skies up above

*~*never let your studies interfere with your education*~* Mark Twain

its good to know some things change, and it's good to hear from those that don't.

*~*everydog has its day just like every woman gets her own way*~* Flogging Molly

someone asked me what i want to be when i grow up. i was thinking a vagabond would be cool.I want to be left alone with a full tank of gas, a pocket full of money,all my cds, and a companion in my car.

if wishes were fishes id be an ocean.

I've spent my entire life loving animals, and only recently really noticed it. So, i decided to do veterinary science. i have a page of animal stuff on the way i think, so keep looking.

i used to spend a lot of time writing poetry and just crap.. if you want to read some of my stuff go to my "words" page. im not much of a critic of other peoples writing, because its none of my business what they think, although i am interested in other people's opinions of my stuff. but an emotion and a thought is a beautiful and delicate thing, and a first hand account is the only way to ever truly understand it.. i dont write for anyone but me. if you dont like it, or if you do, then feel free to ask any questions, and pay me a few complements, or just make some comments.,br. 8).

WORDS (a page of my poems)

Favors(everyone has secret desires from other people .. and everyone has ideas of what *~*that certain someone*~* of their dreams would be like.. this is mine)

thank you(just some shout outs and some other slightly emotional moments cought in words.)

LINX (a page of ..suprize! links)

fexmundi(my newest poetry page, created in 1999? or maybe 2000)

more 1999/2000


AIM: silentskream