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Welcome to my page! As you can see, my name is Michelle. I am a SENIOR at East Carolina University where I am studying to be a high school math teacher. What keeps me going in life is my family, my boyfriend Eric, and my sorority sisters.

I have two older brothers, Brian and Kevin. Brian works and lives in Russia, but plans on coming home anytime now to go to grad school. Kevin is currently a grad student at the University of South Carolina where he is studying to be a Dean of Students. His biggest claim to fame is that he was on "The Price is Right"... and actually WON! As for my parents, my dad is a chaplain and my mom is a high school math teacher.... I wonder where I got that idea from!

As for me, I try to live life to its fullest, and I've managed to do that through my many travels to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Russia, and Haiti. Each and every place is unique in its own way. There's no telling where I'll be headed to next!

Below are some links so that you can see more about me.... ENJOY!!!!!

My Resume
Professional Files-ONLINE PORTFOLIO
My Experiences in Haiti
Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority




Background courtesy of Keiko Konno...