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16 americans, marooned for 39 days in a south african sea, seperated into 2 tribes, puson and riga they competed against each other to win tribal immunity. the tribes merged into one, rangoon is the name and it's everyone for themselves. every third night the entire tribe will hike deep into the jungle to take part in tribal council. where they must vote one of their own off the island. in the end one will remain and leave the island with one million dollars in cash.


.previously on survivor.
Shelby and Joey met to discuss the up and coming merge, as each scoped out the other tribe's beach. It was decided that Riga would be moving in on Puson's camp. They came up with a new tribe name for the newly joined tribe. Shelby called them Rangoon.


[chris] It's our first day with the new people and... I don't think they like us very much. We're going to build another shelter for the four of us to use, but I doubt that they will help. We're also going to put a new wall in one of thiers, so I'm extremely excited about that.

The twotribes sat around the stove eating their usual breakfast of rice. Puson on one side and Riga on the other. They hadn't really grasped the concept of merging.
"So is there a lot of fish in these waters?" Joey tried to make conversation.
"Yeah, pretty much." Shelby tried to be civil. "Do any of you fish?"
"Justin, does all of our fishing, I guess that's why he's still here." Joey chuckled at his lame joke, but stopped as he saw the look on Justin's face.
"Could you people be quiet over there I'm trying to eat?" Alex, the old grouchy man yelled from his seat on the log.
"Yes sir, sorry sir."
"Ah, enough of this chit chat. Let's fix our shelter." Alex stood up, followed by Laura. They walked over to the broken shelter. JC and Lance soon joined them.
"Chris," Justin said getting his friend's attention. "I'm gonna go collect some fire wood, OK?"
"All right, but make it quick."
"OK." Justin walked down the beach and soon entered the jungle. He started to pick up a couple of sticks of wood. Then he sat down on a rock and waited.
"JC, hold this right there." Alex ordered, JC obeyed taking the wall from him. Alex began to work with some vines to tie around the joints. Joey and Chris watched as they tried to fix the wall.
"Maybe we should help?" Joey asked.
"If they wanted us to help they'd ask."
"Well, I feel useless just standing over here."
"Don't they have it all under control." Just as they said this the wall fell over and the shelter caved in.
"Ah crap." Alex kicked the sand and walked away.
"Do you need our help?" Joey asked.
"That would be great." Shelby answered pickin up a piece of house. After hearing that they would be helping Laura quickly exited the scene.
"Do either of you know how to build one of these things, the person who did ours, well... we kicked him off." Nicole asked.
"Hailey knows how to build these."
"Yeah, she's an architect major."
"Well, great, Where is she?" Joey and Chris looked around the beach.
"I don't know."
"But, what the heck, can't be too hard. Just like legos right?" Joey picked up a piece too.
"Right." Shelby agreed. They started to build the shelter.


"I wonder how much time we have left together?" Hailey asked as Justin took her hand in his.
"Not long."
"How can you be so sure?"
"They out number us 4-6, they probably have some sort of pack where they all vote for one of us and slowly kick us off."
"Maybe they'll kick Joey and Chris off first."
"Please, I hate to say this, cause I love you so much, but it'll probably be you."
"Cause you're a girl, no man on this island would want to get beat by a girl so they're gonna kick you off first."
"Maybe they're not like you."
"Oh well, if my time is limited here I want to make the best of it by spending every moment I can with you."
"That would be heaven for me." Hailey rested her head on his shoulder.
"Babe, when I get the boot, do one thing for me."
"What's that?"
"Have no mercy on any of them."
"Even Joey and Chris."
"No, they're OK, cause they're cool, but it's an all out war when I leave. I want you to win, always have, cause a million bucks would look so good on you."
"OK, I'll win it for you."
"I just know that I could sleep at night, thinking that Alex guy has your money."
"Thank you sweetie." Justin leaned down and kissed her.


"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Joey asked the other builders.
"Not at all." Shelby answered. JC, Lance, and Nicole left the area knowing that the job was done. "Thank you, so much."
"It was no problem, we just hope when it's time to build ours you will all help out."
"I will, I can't gaurantee the others. They're all kinda dead set in thier ways, don't like change."
"Therefore, don't like us."
"Yeah, kinda."

[joey]I don't know about Puson people they don't seem acceptant to us. Shelby is really nice, she's cool. That Alex guy just seems to me to be a pain in the rear.
[alex]All these young kids coming over here and taking over. That ditz Shelby is being too friendly with them, it doesn't matter anyway she's not part of our alliance. I don't like that blond chick either. I haven't seen her since breakfast or that curly one either.

"Hey guys!" Justin ran over with some wood in his hand. "Hailey found our clue for our reward challenge."
"Took you a long time to get that firewood." Chris said.
"It's very sparse out there."
"Is it now?"
"Come on, let's go find out what we have to do." They walked over to the rest of the group just as Hailey began to read the clue.
"This challenge might trip you up, and it can be quite hampering. If you prevail your reward would be one night of pampering."
"Woo who, I'm gonna get a massage tonight." Nicole yelled at the end of the word pampering.

[shelby]I really don't know what our reward challenge is gonna be, I think it has something to do with an obstacle course, but I want to win, I probably won't, but it would be nice to have a night away from the camps.


The ten castaways walked down into the jungle where they met up with their host Aaron.
"OK, this is what you guys are going to do, we've set up this rope course in the middle of the jungle. Your job is to be the first to finish the course. We've set up 10 lanes, you can't cut in front of anyone, stay in your lane. If you win, you all see that hut over there?" He pointed to a very large hut in the jungle. "You will spend one night in there, and get all luxuries you could ask for. So if you're ready pick a starting position." They all lined up along the starting line. "Ready? Go."
They started the race, running to the rope climb first, then along the tightrope. So far Justin was in the lead, but as he hit the cargo net he lost his lead to Joey, who grabbed onto his vine and crossed the finish line. They waited for everyone else to finish.
"Congratulations, Joey, now here's what I'm gonna do for you. What if I were to say you could invite one other person to stay in there with you?"
"I'd have to pick Chris."
"OK, then you and Chris can head on over there as the rest of you head back to camp." Joey and Chris headed to their house for the night, as everyone else trudged back to camp.
"Look at this place, oh my gosh, we got beds." Chris plopped down on one of the two twin beds.
"And a bathroom."
"Ahh this is gonna be so awesome." They sat down at the table where they were to be served dinner. They recieved their first course and immediatly the subject of tribal council came up. "So have you thought about who you're gonna vote for?"
"Yeah, Lance."
"Well, see I have this system. I got 9 rocks and put everyone's name on them, then I randomly picked them and that the order I'll use in voting."
"Isn't that kinda, I don't know, stupid."
"Well, I look at it this way, in my mind everyone who is still here deserve the money anyway and I would feel bad about voting against anyone."
"OK, I guess I can't argue with you."
"So, who are you voting for?"
"Alex, cause he just seems like a bitter old man. We need to get him and that Laura off now, cause they're old."
"Yeah, the old ones are always a pain in the rear."
"They take it so serious it's just a game. Like this afternoon with the hut what was that about?"
"I don't know."
"Well, they've all been rude to us."
"Except Shelby."
"Yeah, what's the deal with you and her?"
"What do you mean?"
"You like Shelby."
"Nah, she's just been really nice and I'm trying to be really nice back. It seems like she doesn't like those others and I don't want her feel we don't like her."
"Hey, it's OK, that you like her just don't turn out to be like Justin and Hailey, ya know making out in the jungle."
"I could never do that, considering I'll probably never see her again."


[justin]Everyone is kinda on edge cause tonight we have our first tribal council, I just have this weird feeling that Chris, Joey, Hailey, or I is gonna get the boot. I think my only hope is to win immunity right now. We're all kinda waiting for Chris and Joey to return right now.
[shelby]I'm about ready to go and learn how to fish, with Justin and Joey. I think if I can prove to myself that I can do this than maybe my worth to the island will go up. I'm just trying to do as many things as I can to stay a little longer.

"You take the spear in your hand like this." Justin showed Shelby how to hold the spear while they were floating on the raft with Joey. Justin continued to demostrate how to spear a fish. When she pulled out the spear on the end was a ray.
"Oh my gosh, I got one."
"Not bad for a first try."
"You killed that sucker."
"I smell dinner tonight." Shelby put the ray into the cage.

[shelby]I enjoy the time I spend with Joey, and the others from Riga. They're different than my tribe. When I'm around them it's all about fun and not so much stress on the whole money and tribal council crap. If my tribe mates feel that my hanging out with them is betraying them, then fine.

"Look, what I caught." Shelby showed off her catch to everyone on the island.
"Wow, congratulations." JC said looking at dinner. Nicole walked over to a tree where she noticed the clue for the immunity challenge waited. She began to read it to herself.
"This challenge will reward the way you think, hold on tight and hope not to sink." She walked back to share it with the others.


They met up with Aaron later that night on the beach.
"I hope you all had a good day. This challenge is going to favor those who are smart and fast. The object here is you will have ten minutes to complete a raft out of any supplies you see along the beach, as you can see we have vines, bamboo, twigs, anything you need. Then after the ten minutes we will line them up along the shore and race to that fire out there." He pointed to a small fire out in the sea. "The winner will win immunity, so if you're ready, the clock starts now." At the sound of his voice everyone started running for supplies. Pushing people over just to get a good piece of wood.
After the ten minutes was up, Aaron blew his whistle. Everyone made the final touches and lined them to race.
"OK, on 3. 1, 2, 3." The all ran into the water with their rafts Lance took an early lead, but his got stuck and just stopped moving, that's where Justin came in and won the race. Everyone walked back to the shore. "Congratulations Justin, you will live to see another day. I'll see you all tonight at tribal council."


[hailey]I'm kinda nervous. I'm happy Justin won the immunity, but I have this feeling that this could be my last night here, considering what Justin told me in the jungle. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

The tribe walked deep into the jungle it was time for tribal council they all sat down on the benchs set up for them as Aaron came in.
"So this is your first tribal council together, does anyone want to say anything before we go take the vote." Everyone sat there in silence. "OK, then, Lance you're up first." Lance got up and walked over to the secluded area. He picked up his writing utensil and wrote down the name.
"I'm voting for Hailey cause she wasn't there when we needed help with our shelter and I'll be honest I don't like dumb blondes." He placed it in the balloting box. A couple more people voted then it was Shelby's turn.
"I voted for Alex, mainly cause he's just not enjoyable and I've been trying to kick him off for a while now, I think it's time he left." After everyone was back to their seats Aaron spoke again.
"OK, you've all voted, I'll go tally the votes." He brought the balloting box. "Once the votes are read it's final and I'll ask you to leave the island. So let's get started." He pulled out the first slip of paper. "Alex." He pulled out another. "Hailey. Alex. Lance. Hailey. Nicole. Nicole. Hailey. One more vote and Hailey, you're gone." He pulled out one more slip of paper. "Hailey. Sorry Hailey I ask you to bring me you torch." Hailey picked up her torch and walked over to Aaron and placed it in the ground. "Hailey, the tribe is spoken." He snuffed the flame and she turned to everyone.
"Bye." She said before walking off the island.
"You made it through one more council meeting, head on back to camp. You lived to see another day."
