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.this ending was written by tara.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Joey asked with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Ya, I think it would be better if I let you guys get on with your life at home."
Joey looks away from Anna's face and starts to look at the floor.
"Don't be sad. I'll see you next year, and maybe.."
"On your holiday breaks?" Anna smiles.
"Yeah, on most breaks!" she says with a laugh. Joey awkwardly stands there looking at the floor silently. Anna puts her hand on his chin and turns his face to her. He smiles, and they lean in to kiss. They pull away as Justin waltzes in.
"Hey Anna. So you really leave... Whoa! Umm... bye!" Justin says before angrily storming out of the room. Anna looks at Joey and Joey has a scowl on his face and is looking at the door.
"That boy is hiding something from me and I want to figure it out, Anna."
"Have you ever thought that if he really wanted you to know that he would tell you?"
"Oh, so let me guess. You know too! I guess everyone's hiding something from me that'll I'll never know." he says sitting down on the deserted bed. Anna sits down next to him and puts her hand on his shoulder.
"No, not everyone knows, well almost everyone, but that's not what matters right now. What matters is that I'll be leaving soon, for the rest of the summer. Plus, I promised I wouldn't tell anyways."
"Oh. Okay then I won't pressure you to tell me!" he said jokingly and then looked up at her. "And I guess your right. I should be thinking more about my uhh... girlfriend...." he paused and then did a half smile. She looked up into his eyes and sat still for a moment.
"Well, I better go Joey. I can't miss my bus." She said breaking the silence. They get up and walk down stairs together. Everyone walks down following them as well. Anna sighs and turns to face everyone.
"I guess this is good-bye for a while! I'll miss you guys!"
"We'll miss you to," says Lance bringing her up into a hug. Daphne follows nodding her head and doing the same. JC walks up to her next.
"I'll miss seeing you Anna," he says. She bends down and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Me too, JC." Chris jumps into Anna's arms and cries,
"You can't leave Anna! You have to stay with me!"
"Oh gosh, Chris. I have to leave, but I'll miss you. I'm sorry." She says kissing him on the cheek and putting him down. Joey walks up and everyone starts to leave except Justin. He just sits with his back turned to them in the corner. Joey puts his arms around her and finally says,
"I'll miss you a lot, Anna. I know you won't be gone long, but it will sure feel like it."
"Oh Joey! I know. But I'll see you again. I'll write too." They lean in for a kiss, but she pulls away at the last second because she sees Justin in the corner.
"What's wrong?" Joey asks with a worried look on his face. Anna walks away from him and over to Justin. She sits down beside him and he looks at her. He has teary eyes and Anna says,
"What's wrong. I thought your were tough.." she says the last line as a joke.
"I thought I was too..." he bends back down again. "I never will meet another girl like you," he whispers so Joey can't hear.
"You'll find someone. And you'll love them and know you shouldn't have fell for someone like me. You'll want to spend lots of time with them, and miss them when they're away from you."
"But I'll miss you...."
"Justin... this just-"
"Don't say it. I know, it couldn't work out. I know, I'm too young. You told me, but that doesn't stop me..." then he looked back up. "Oh sorry. You probably are going to miss your bus."
"That's okay. If I miss it, I'll just take a cab. I need to spend all the time I have left with the people that made me happy my short time in this house." They both smiled and Anna hugged Justin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"And when I come back, you better be as sweet as you were before!" They smiled again and Justin said bye as he left the room.
"So..." Joey said as he walked towards her.
"So what?"
"I think I get it now." he said and gave a little laugh.
"Oh you do?" she said smiling.
"Uhh... I gatta go now Joey."
"Yeah, you do." They leaned in for a kiss and this time weren't interrupted. They said they're final good-byes and Anna started walking out the front door with her bags. When she shut it, she sighed and started walking towards the bus stop.
'This is going to be a whole new beggining for me again,' she thought to herself and kept walking.

the end