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"Oh hey sweetie." Cody sounded in a really good mood.
"There was uh...something I needed to tell you."
"Yeah?" He questioned.
"I can't be your girlfriend anymore, I think we should break up."
"I might be going on tour with Lance and the guys."
"That doesn't mean we have to break up."
"It's not just that, it's also other things that have been happening that I just can't deal with right now."
"I can't believe this."
"I'm sorry."
"After all we've been through, you tell me this over the phone?!"
"I didn't have the courage to face you, I'm really sorry."
"At least it's better than a letter." Mikayla started to smile since he was joking. "Look, Mick, I hope you enjoy those pretty faced Nsync boys, good bye!" He hung up on her.


"Chris?" Jessie walked into his room where he was packing.
"Since you guys are going on tour and everything, I'm going back to LA."
"Well why don't you just come with us?"
"Well first of all, I have a whole life at home that I just can't ignore and second, I don't want to be too much trouble."
"Are you kidding me? I asked Mikayla if she wanted to come and she is."
"Well it's different for her. I think I'm just gonna go on back to LA."
"You're sure?"
"OK, maybe I'll see you when we go there."
"You know my number, just call when you get there."
"I will."
"Bye³." They embraced each other in a hug for a moment, then she left to say goodbye to the others. He finished packing, grabbed his bag and headed out of the room.


Mikayla sat on a couch alone, in the back of the bus, reading a book. It was late at night and all the guys were in their bunks, sleeping. Lance got out of his bunk and walked to the back.
"Hey Mick." He sat down next to her. "What are you doing up?
"Couldn't sleep." She took her eyes off the book. "Ya know what I was thinking?"
"Maybe tomorrow night we could get together and do something."
"Ya know I'd love to, but I have a date with thousands of screaming girls."
"I guess I gotta get used to the tour life, huh?"
"Yeah, we don't get that much free time." She nodded. "So whatcha reading?"
"I don't really know, some book about knights and crap."
"It sounds boring."
"It is."
"Then why are you reading it?"
"I'm getting stimulance."
"Oh I see. So how did the break up go?" He noticed tears start to creep up the corners of her eyes. "I hit a soft spot didn't I?"
"I feel like such a jerk, he's a great guy, he didn't deserve this."
"I'm sorry." He rubbed her back.
"And you know why he thinks I broke up with him?"
"For Chris."
"He said that to you?"
"He didn't say it specifically, but he did say, 'I hope you enjoy those pretty faced Nsync boys' and I think he figured that Chris was the reason I was coming with you."
"If you want, I can talk to him about it."
"No, don't, that would only make things worse." Tears started to sprinkle down her cheeks.
"Oh don't cry." He engulfed her in a hug, she returned it. The tears landing on his back. He then pulled back, looking into her eyes. He saw the seriousness in the beautiful pools of blue. He leaned in and pecked her on the lips. She was startled by the kiss and hopped back a little. He sighed. "I'm sorry."
"It's all right." There was an awkward silence.
"You gonna be ok?"
"Yeah I think so."
"I'm going to go back to bed and I suggest you do the same. Big day tomorrow."
"Maybe for you." She chuckled a little through her crying. He smiled as he headed back. "Wait, Lance?"
"Yeah?" He walked back to her, questioning the grave look in her eyes.
Mikayla grabbed his hand and pulled him down into a sweet, tender kiss. It didn't stop, it seemed to go on forever, all through eternity, they engaged in that kiss. Each wondering if the kiss was from the one they had been longing for.


Chris stood in the bunk room, hearing everything they had been saying. They had stopped talking for a second, so he peered around the corner and saw them kissing. The girl he loved, kissing his best friend.
He shook his head and headed back to his bunk, getting ready to dream of someone else.


They pulled away looking at each other in shock.
"What did we just do?"
"I think we kissed." Mikayla said.
"Nah, really?"
"I'm sorry."
"No, I'm the one who should be sorry."
"Nuh uh. I kissed you, it was my mistake. I'm not ready for a new boyfriend yet. Maybe in time I will be."
"I'll..uh..see you tomorrow."
"Yeah." He walked back, climbing into his bunk, Mikayla still waiting on the couch.

-=-The Next Morning-=-

Mikayla awoke in a bed, not a bunk, confused where she was. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, noticing she was in a hotel bed. She got up and went to the kitchen of the suite to get some juice, noticing a note laying on the counter.

You looked so cute all asleep on the bus and we didn't want to wake you,
so we carried you in.
Luv ya lots,
the guys

She smiled as she put the note down, knowing that the guys had a bunch of stuff they had to do. She had no idea what it was going to be like living on the road, or how often she would get to see the guys, but as far as she knew, she liked it.
Mikayla turned on the tv, not knowing what to do for fun. There was absolutely nothing to do.


"Hey Lance, can I talk to you for a second?" Chris asked him when they were taking they're break.
"Yeah, sure." They got up and went somewhere private. "What's up?"
"All right, I wanna know what's going on with Mikayla."
"I know you guys aren't just friends, I saw you kissing last night." Lance's mouth dropped slightly.
"What? Were you spying on us?"
"That doesn't matter."
"Well you obviously didn't stay long enough to hear that she wasn't ready for a relationship just yet, because of what happened to her and Cody."
"This still doesn't matter, you knew I liked her and yet you still went behind my back to steal my girl."
"Your girl? Oh is that what you're calling her now? Now, if you think about it, is she your girlfriend? No..was she? she ever gonna be? Maybe if you get off your lazy butt and tell her how you feel."
"I thought you said she wasn't ready for a relationship right now."
"She isn't, but she has a right to know."
"I can't tell her how I feel now, she's at the lowest point in her life. Her and Cody have gone out for..well I don't know how long but they seemed pretty serious. I'm not gonna bug her with this crap by going up to her and saying, 'Mikayla I love you'."
"Why? People love to hear that!" Chris started to walk away. "Wait." Lance grabbed his arm. "It's ok, you don't have to tell her yet, but the next time you get a chance and it's the appropriate time, don't make excuses, just do it."
"All right, thanks for the advice."
"No problem." They walked back and joined the others.

-=-A couple weeks later-=-

The guys were on their way to Philadelphia, on that bus once again. They wouldn't get there until afternoon the next day, so they would be sleeping in their bunks.
They were all watching a movie before it had ended and everyone, except Mikayla decided to go to bed.
As Chris headed to his bunk, he thought of something and turned around and returned to Mikayla. She looked up as he walked back in.
"Mikayla, I.."
"You what?"
"I..'m going to bed. Good night."
"I knew that, you didn't have to come back and tell me." She said, slowly, confused.
"Ok, good night." He started to leave.
"Chris, what's wrong?"
"I saw you and Lance kissing."
"Oh you did, is that a problem?"
"Problem, the fact that we're something didn't come across your mind."
"I love you."
"Well, I didn't know that!"
"Now you do, I love you."
"I love you too."
"You do?" He asked, surprised.
"Yes, all of this, everything I went through was to maybe be with you."
"Then why did you and Lance kiss."
"Because I figured that you and me was impossible so I moved on."
"It's not impossible, it's just impossible to understand."
"I love you."
"I know." He kissed her and she kissed back.