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"I don't see why we have to work on our project so soon." JC complained as Stephanie and him walked into the library.
"Cause we don't want to wait til the last minute."
"Justin and Dani aren't working on their project. I wanted to go to the movies with them."
"That is their project."
"Still, maybe they can use a third opinion." They sat down at a table. "I don't want to do any work. I'll just mess it up."
"You want me to do all the work." He nodded his head. "Fine, but you can be in charge of titling our project."
"That's all I have to do?"
"This is gonna be the best title ever you know why?"
"Cause you put JC in charge."
"That's your only priority."
"I'll do my best." He said very dramatic. "Do you have a piece of paper?" She opened up her notebook and pulled out a piece of paper.
"Here you go."
"Thanks. You gotta pen?"
"Here." She handed him her purple pen. "I'm gonna look for a book." She left the table while JC racked his brain for a title. She returned 10 minutes later with 5 books. She looked down at the paper and noticed several scribble marks. "How's it going?"
"This is harder than I thought, but I think I got one."
"OK, let's hear it."
"The effects of global warming on the rain forest. Save your comments not all at once please." She sat there silent. "Now, would be the time."
"That's good and all, but you might want to be more creative maybe?"
"I get it, to maybe appeal to the more average joe."
"Yes, exactly."
"It's like calling the championship for national football the superbowl."
"Baseball world series. Hockey stanley cup."
"You got the hang of it now. So why don't you try and think a little more?"
"OK, I may have to get Justin's help on this." He sighed deeply and she giggled at his frustration.


*Ding Dong*
Lance went to answer his door and there stood Chris holding two white lab rats in their cages.
"You got em."
"Told you I would." He walked in and sat the cages on the table. "This is Rocky and that is Bullwinkle."
"Cool so which gets the good food and which gets the bad?"
"I've kinda formed a bond with Rocky so we should give him the good food."
"OK, but we should keep them at your house cause your parents are probably cool with it. My mom would freak."
"OK, will you buy the food for Bullwinkle, cause I can get Rocky's."
"Sure." Lance's mom walked in.
"Hello Christopher. Oh what are those?"
"Those are our rats for our science project."
"They're not staying here are they?"
"See I told you, no they're staying at Chris'."
"Oh Christopher could you deliever this to your mother?" She handed him an envelope.
"Sure what is it?" He looked at it.
"It's an invitation to a dinner party we're having."
"Can I come?"
"Well, Lance will keep you and Lisa entertained while your guys' parents enjoy dinner."
"Lisa is invited?" Lance asked.
"Well, yes her parents are very good friends of ours and you're her friend. Do you not want her to come?"
"No, she can I don't have a problem with it."
"Good, I wouldn't want to hear that you were mad at her for any reason. She's such a sweet girl." His mother walked away.
"You don't want Lisa to come?" Chris started to open the envelope.
"No, I was just asking I would love her to come, and you're not suppose to open that."
"I don't care." He pulled out the card. "You are cordially invited to a dinner party. It's boring I'll put it up." He stuffed the card back in the envelope. "You wanna go shopping for food. We could ride our bikes."
"OK let me go ask my mom."


Justin and Dani walked into the movie theatre with their arms full of food.
"Let's sit up there." Justin pointed to the upper deck. They made their way up the stairs.
"OK, I got my notes. Rate the popcorn." He took a couple pieces of the popcorn.
"Um, on a scale of one to ten, I give it a seven."
"How did you figure that?"
"Well one butteriness, two how long it takes to get soggy in my mouth, and three the aftertaste."
"OK, so the popcorn gets a seven. Try the nachos."
"That's a three."
"The cheese sauce was rubbery, and the chips weren't very salty, and overall not enjoyable."
"OK, taste your drink." He took a drink.
"There's a lot of ice in here, which could keep in cold, but evidently will melt and make it all watery."
"So what do you give it?"
"A five."
"OK, that's it for food, now see how comfy the seats are." He started rocking back in his chair.
"I like these, they go back pretty far. They get a ten plus."
"Oh you're generous."
"I felt bad about the nachos."
"So afterwards, we both have to go to the bathroom to test cleanliness."
"Wait, I paid like 8 bucks just to get us in here not to mention the food. There's like 9 theatres in this city that's mean I'll be out..." He counted on his fingers. "64 bucks."
"You're right."
"What if we split the cost."
"The guy is always suppose to pay."
"This is our project. We'll split it two ways."
"OK so 64 times 2." Justin started multipling it in the air with his fingers.
"That's steep, divide that by two."
"That's better you'll pay 62 and I'll pay 62."
"Good we got that settled."


*Ding Dong*
"Oh Lance answer the door and get their coats." He walked to the door and opened it. There stood Chris, his brother, and their parents. Lance extended his arms to take their coats.
"I don't have coat." His dad said.
"Mom, Mr. Chris doesn't have a coat. Should I let him in?"
"Yes, let them in."
"Hey I got a new telescope, wanna check it out?"
"Is it the Binary 5000?"
"What else?"
"I'm there." They ran up the stairs.
"Wait for me, Chrissy!" His little brother, Tommy ran up after them.
"Oh, kids." Chris' dad said. "So Diane, have you prepared a delicious meal for us tonight?"
"I think I have, just my speciality." The doorbell rang. "Lance! Get their..nevermind, I'll get them myself." She opened the door. "Betty, George, hi! And Lisa, look how much you've grown."
"I was just here Saturday."
"The boys are up in Lance's room." Lisa walked up the stairs and down the hall to Lance's room. Lance and Chris were looking at his telescope and Tommy was trying to look.
"Hi guys." She greeted.
"Hey Lisa." Chris said. Lance stayed focused on the telescope.
"I said hi Lance."
"You did? I don't think you did. You said Hi guys."
"Sorry hi Lance."
"Yeah, whatever." He looked back at his telescope.
"New telescope?"
"Is it the Binary 5000?"
"I've wanted one of those for such a long time." She walked over to it.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"I'm looking at your telescope."
"Did I say you could?"
"You let Chris."
"Chris is my friend."
"Fine, I'll just look at your microscope."
"No, you can't I didn't give you permission."
"Since when do I need your permission?"
"Since you're not my friend anymore." He returned to his telescope. Lisa looked over at Chris. He was just as confused as her. "You know what you can do, is sit on the floor and not touch anything."
"Fine I don't want to look at your stupid telescope anyway." She left his room.
"What is wrong with you?" Chris asked.
"Why are you mad at Lisa?"
"She doesn't like us anymore."
"Yes she does."
"Nu-huh, nu-huh."
"Oh, I know what this is about."
"You do not."
"You're just all mad cause she doesn't like you, like you."
"Shut up." He looked back at the telescope.
"No, that's it. You're jealous."
"I am not."
"Yes you are, you're jealous of the bone."
"No, I'm not. Stop saying that."
"Chrissy, I got go potty." Chris and Lance turned around and saw Tommy messing with Lance's chemistry set.
"Not my sodium chlorite." Lance rushed to clean it up.
"You have to go potty?" Tommy nodded his head. "Come on, you little goober." He took him the bathroom while Lance cleaned up his sodium chlorite from the carpet. Chris and Tommy stopped by Lance's dad's game room, on the way back, where Lisa was playing darts.
"Could you watch him?"
"I guess." She threw a dart at the board and got a bullseye.
"You're pretty good."
"I'm pretty pissed off."
"Don't mind Lance, he's just in a bad mood."
"What did I do to him?"
"I don't know, I think he's just upset you got to chummy with the bone."
"His name is Joey."
"It's suppose to be us three, no one else. We were best friends, and he thinks by you befriending the bad kids we'll just get shafted."
"I would never do that."
"I know that."
"Doesn't matter anyway. I'll just play Tommy at a game of pool. You get back to Lance, don't want him to see you socializing with me."


"That sure was good. I'll have to put another notch in my lucky belt." George said as he rubbed his belly. "I haven't had a meal that good since, well since I married Betty."
"It's true Betty. You never cook for me. If I want a homecook meal I have to go eat at my mother's."
"Like you don't spend enough time there already."
"Why don't we play a game?" Lance's mom cut in.
"OK." They all went in and started to play pictionary. They were playing nicely for a while.
"Come Betty you know what this is."
"I'm sorry George I don't know what it is."
"Look at it again."
"I don't see it."
"Pride, Betty, it's pride."
"It doesn't look like pride George."
"Of course I can't draw pride I lost it when I married you."
"Oh how original George."
"You want me to fail."
"Oh yes, of course I love borrowing money from my sister and having to snip coupons out of the Sunday paper just to buy bread."
"If you don't like it so much why don't you just leave."
"Fine, I want a divorce. Where's my coat?"
"I'll get it and I'm taking Lisa with me." She stormed up the stairs and got her coat and walked into Lance's room. "Where's Lisa?"
"In the game room." She left loudly and Chris and Lance went to see what was going on.
"Lisa we're going home!" She pulled her out by her arm and down the stairs. Chris and Lance followed. They watched as Lisa's mom pulled away leaving her dad by the sidewalk.
"What's going on?" Chris asked Lance.
"I don't know." George returned into the house.
"Can I stay here tonight?"
"Sure George."
"Come Chris, get Tommy we're going too." Chris and Lance ran back upstairs. They went into the game room.
"Come on Tommy, we're leaving."
"OK, Chrissy. Bye Uncle Lance." He hugged his leg.
"Yeah get out of here." The two walked downstairs together.
