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Audrey woke up smelling the aroma of eggs and bacon. She got out of bed and noticed Joey was gone. She walked out into the kitchen only to see him by the stove.
"What are you doing?" He turned around at the sound of her voice.
"Oh, I'm making you breakfast."
"I'm trying to be more husband like, isn't this what husbands do for their wives."
"I don't know I've never been one."
"Well, sit down, I've prepared scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, with a glass of orange juice. Oh, and something to remind you of home, an English muffin with boysenberry jam."
"Thank you,it's all so much."
"Oh, did you want some tea, cause that's what your people drink."
"No, it's perfect, it'd be even better if you join me."
"I'd love to, really I would, but I have to get going." He picked up a muffin. "Taking it to go, and I'll see you at lunch, cause I'm taking you out."
"OK, bye."
"Bye." He left the apartment and she picked up her fork and began to work on her eggs.
"Audrey!" She heard someone yell from the entry way. She got out of her chair to greet him.
"Hey. I'm so glad you came." She bounced up to JC and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"So you're not mad at me anymore?"
"Nope." She began to walk back into the kitchen. "I had a good night's sleep to think about it. What brings you here?"
"I just came to see how everything was going, I brought you breakfast." He followed her.
"Thanks, but someone beat you to it."
"But, it's a sausage mcmuffin with a hashbrown, your favorite. Who did this?"
"I'll give you one guess."
"Ahh man I thought he hated you." He sat down and opened the McDonald's sack.
"He said he's trying to be more husband like."
"Why, huh why is he doing this?" He took a bit of the mcmuffin.
"I don't know, I'll ask him."
"OK, I gotta go." He said finishing up his breakfast. "But I'll see you for lunch."
"I can't." He turned around from the door and walked over to her.
"What do you mean, you can't?"
"I mean, I can't, I've already made plans with Joey for lunch."
"What? No, no you're having lunch with me, I'm your boyfriend."
"You can't tell me what to do. He's my fiance, I'm having lunch with him, and the door is that way." She pointed to the door as she took a drink of orange juice. He looked at her in disbelief then angrily made his way for the door.
"Fine!" He yelled before slamming the door behind him.
"Someone is not a morning person." She continued on her breakfast.


"Ya know, interesting fact about this restaurant. A scene of You've Got Mail was filmed here." Joey said at lunch.
"Oh yes, and Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan sat in these same chairs."
"Now, you're just putting me on."
"I know."
"I thought that was filmed in New York."
"It was."
"Ah, can I ask you a question?"
"I guess." The waitress approached their table with their orders.
"The blacken chicken salad." She placed the dish in front of Audrey. "And one chicken finger basket."
"Thank you." She left them alone again.
"I believe you were going to ask me a question."
"Ah right. Why, all of a sudden you've decided to be nice to me?"
"Well, last night I was doing some thinking, and realized JC is my friend."
"What an observation."
"Let me continue, he likes you and for some strange reason you make him happy, and I could never live with myself if I was the reason you had to leave. So I decided to make nice with you, to make JC happy."
"Well, that's very sweet."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Umm.. I guess."
"Why are you being nice to me? I mean you could've blown me off this morning and this afternoon, but you didn't."
"I.. honestly, I don't know. The old Audrey would jump at the chance to stand you up. Maybe it was the fact that you were so charming this morning and well, JC wasn't." She took a bite of her salad.
"He was a dickhead."
"Yeah, That sounds like him."
"I don't know, this whole deportation thing has got him a little out of it, ya know."
"Yeah, personally I don't see why he couldn't just marry you. If it was my girlfriend who was getting deported, I'd be the gentleman and marry her myself."
"You would?"
"Well, he says he doesn't want to have to get a divorce, but I don't see why we would have to get a divorce. I've kind of been waiting for the day he'd ask me to marry him, but now we'll have to get a divorce, and that won't look so good for you."
"That's OK, I'll just look at it as a favor I'm doing for a friend."
"So, what are you doing tonight?"
"Let me check my agenda... it says I'm free."
"Not anymore you're not."
"Why, what am I going to get stuck having to do?"
"You're not going to get stuck having to do anything."
"So, what is it?"
"Will you watch a rugby game with me on tv?"
"That's it?"
"You know my brother played on his college rugby team."
"Really? Was he any good?"
"I don't know he never really got a chance to play. He always talked about turning pro, but I don't think he ever realized he didn't have the talent for it. You know what, you would make a straping rugby player."
"You're kidding me right?"
"No, you've got the build, if only you had the skill."
"Well, see there's my problem I have no skill at anything."
"One of these days I'll take you to the rugby games in the park, if not to play then at least to watch."
"Play? So you wanna kill me off that bad?"
"It was just a thought."
"Well, get it out of your little British head. I've seen that stuff, even the professionals get knock around pretty good."
"I never wanted JC to play, cause one he's wimp, and two he runs like a girl." They both started to laugh.
"I can't say that I've paid much attention to his running ability."
"You should it's quite a show."
"Well, I'll have to look out for that."
"Yeah." The conversation began to drag and they realized they had nothing else to say.
"You ready to go back now?"
"Yeah I guess." She took one last drink of her water before getting out of her chair.


Audrey pulled the burnt roast out of the oven. She fanned the steam away with her hand.
"There is a reason why I don't do this." She sighed. She heard a ding on the stove top. "My patatoes." She walked over to them.
"What are you doing?" She turned around to see a surprised Joey looking out at the mess she had made in his kitchen.
"I was making you dinner. You made me breakfast, and treated me to lunch. I thought this would be nice."
"It would be nice, if you could actually do it, but by the way it looks, you can't."
"I know, I thought maybe it might work this time, but I was wrong."
"So what do you want for dinner?"
"Why don't we just order a pizza, or something?"
"Sounds good to me, and we can watch the rugby game."
"OK, I'll order a pizza."
"With, pineapples and..."
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"I eat the exact same, with a little peanut butter on..."
"The crust. Me too."
"Wow, it is a small world." She turned to pick up the phone as he ran to turn the tv on. As soon as he reached the tv the doorbell rang. He went over to answer it.
"Hi JC."
"Hi, Just wanted to see how things are going, and to tell you I'm taking Audrey out for dinner, now where is my little sweetheart?" JC handed him his jacket.
"In the kitchen." He pointed him in the direction. He quickly made his way towards the kitchen and Joey put his jacket over a chair.
"Bye Joey." JC said pulling her out of the kitchen and grabbing his jacket on the way out. Joey walked over to the couch, he slowly lowered himself on the couch as the rugby game started.


"What's wrong?" JC asked in the middle of dinner noticing the way she picked at her salad. "Is this place not nice enough for you?"
"I didn't say anything this place, it's lovely. Don't you think you should've asked before you hung the phone up and pulled me out of there? I could have had plans."
"Exactly, and I didn't want to get turned down again. I'm you're boyfriend, have been and always will be."
"Can't I spend time with other people? I like him." JC's water came flying out of his mouth at this statement.
"You like him?"
"As a friend, gosh JC, you know you're my one and only, but if I'm going to marry this guy don't you think I should spend time with him?"
"You're right, you're absoulutely right. I'm sorry I spat on you."
"It's quite all right."
"So, I'm really you're one and only?"
"Well, I don't know you spat all over me." She threw a breadstick at him.