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Brief Descriptions
Of The Cast Of 
Winnie The Pooh


Description: A small golden bear, 
about 22 inches tall. Wears an old red t-shirt.
More Description: Chubby little cubby all 
stuffed with fluff. A bear of very little brain.
Age: One year younger than Christopher Robin.
Alias: Known to live under the
name of "Mr. Sanders". "It means 
he had the name (Sanders) over the 
door in gold letters, and (Pooh) lived under it."
Also Known By These Names: Pooh Bear, Winnie-ther-Pooh, and Edward Bear.
Address: 100 Aker Wood West
Best Friend: Piglet
Favorite Food: Hunny. And more Hunny.
Favorite Things to Do: Play Poohsticks.
Adventures with Piglet or Christopher 
Robin. Exercise in the Morning. 
Humming. Thinking up poems and songs.
Find Hunny to Fill the Rumblee in
his Tumblee. Visiting Friends who have Hunny.
Honors: Hero. Knighted 
"Sir Pooh de Bear" by Christopher 
Robin. Discoverer of the North Pole.
First Thing He Says in the Morning: "What's for breakfast?"
Quotes and Sayings: "Oh, bother.", "Think, think, think."


Description: A Very Small Animal. A timid
pink pig, about 10 inches tall.
More Description: Likes to wear 
a long striped shirt.
Original Address: Trespassers Will, 
100 Aker Wood S.W., In a Beech Tree,
South of Pooh's House
Current Address: (Lives with Pooh)
100 Aker Wood West
Best Friend: Winnie-the-Pooh
Favorite Food: Haycorns
Favorite Things to Do: Adventures with Pooh
Other Favorite Things: Enjoys bright colors
and balloons. Likes to blow dandelions.
Details About His Original Address: 
Next to Piglet's house is a piece
of broken board which reads: 
"Trespassers W". What "Trespassers W" 
Stands For: Piglet says this 
was his grandfather's name, 
and it was short for 
"Trespassers Will", which was 
short for "Trespassers William".
What the Sign Said, Before it 
Broke: "Trespassers Will Be Shot",
or "Trespassers Will Be Invited For Dinner". 
I'm not sure which.
What He Does Every Tuesday: 
Spends the day at Christopher Robin's house.
What Happens When He Is Nervous: 
His ears twitch.
First Thing He Say's in the Morning: 
"I wonder what's going to happen 
exciting today?"
Quotes and Sayings: "Oh, dear! 
Oh, dear, oh, dearie, dearie, dear!"


Description: An old grey donkey,
3 years old, about 18 inches tall 
and 27 inches long. Stuffed with sawdust.
More Description: Intelligent 
and quiet. Keeps to himself.
Always depressed. 
Address: The House at Pooh 
Corner, 100 Aker Wood Southeast,
 Eeyore's Gloomy Place.
Favorite Food: Thistles.
Favorite Things: Being remembered on his birthday.
Things He Hates: Being bounced.
Biggest Problem: His tail keeps coming off.
Second Biggest Problem: His house keeps falling down. 


Description: A Very Bouncy Animal,
about 23 inches tall. Very 
active and fun-loving. Looks 
like a tiger.
More Description: His top is 
made out of rubber, his bottom is 
made out of springs.
He's bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, 
pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. 
Address: 100 Acre Wood North, 
(Lives with Kanga and Roo).
Favorite Food: Extract of Malt. 
Very Fussy Eater. Known to hate 
hunny, haycorns, and thistles.
Favorite Things to Do: Bouncing! 
Bouncing! Bouncing!
Other Favorite Things: Playing 
detective, and doing what Tiggers
do best!
Other Talents: Finding his way 
home in the fog. (Tiggers "never get lost").
 Locating lost friends.
Wonderful Thing About Tiggers: Tiggers 
are wonderful things!
The Most Wonderful Thing About Tiggers: 
"I'm the only one!"
Quotes and Sayings: "That's 
Re-dikorus.", "Hello, I'm Tigger.
 Hoo hoo hoo hewooo.", "T-T-F-N, 
Ta Ta For Now!"


Description: A rabbit, about 28 
inches tall. Has a brain.
More Description: Pushy and 
decisive. The best speller of all 
the animals. His life is made up of 
Important Things. Likes to organize 
things and take charge of group 
events, even if nothing gets done.
 Becomes disoriented very quickly 
in unfamiliar surroundings. 
Address: 100 Aker Wood North, 
Just South of the Sandy Pit 
Where Roo Plays
Favorite Food: Vegetables
Favorite Thing to Do: Gardening
Other Rabbit Things: Avoiding 
Pooh at Lunch Time
Things He Hates: Being interrupted
while engaged in any activity.
Being bounced.
Number of Family Members: 17,
by Rabbit's count.
Number of "Friends Relations": Total count unknown 


Description: Large owl, about 
28 inches tall, with a wing 
span of about 42 inches. Has a brain.
More Description: Speaks 
eloquently. Everyone thinks he's
 the wisest. Spells his own name 
"WOL", although he can spell 
"TUESDAY". Can even spell "HIPY 
("A Very Happy Birthday with 
love from Pooh.")
Original Address: The Chestnuts, 
100 Aker Wood East. 
Most Recent Address: The Wolery 
(Formerly Piglet's House) 100 Aker 
Wood Southwest.
Favorite Things to Do: Tell stories
 to guests and anyone who will listen.
Biggest Problem: Sometimes a real bore. 


Description: A mother kangaroo, about 30 inches tall.
More Description: Kangaroos are generally regarded as one of the Fiercer Animals. A "Strange Animal".
Even More Description: Carries her family about with her in her pocket. The fastest animal in the Woods.
Address: 100 Aker Wood North
Son: Roo 
Favorite Things to Do: Motherly things.
What She Does Every Tuesday: Goes to Pooh's house to teach Pooh how to jump.


Description: A joey (young kangaroo) about 10 inches tall.
More Description: Thinks he is capable of anything.
Address: Kanga's Pouch, 100 Aker Wood North
Best Friend: Tigger 
Favorite Things to Do: Playing with Tigger. Pooh-sticks.
Favorite Food: Enjoys milk. Likes most everything except extract of malt.
What He Does Every Tuesday: Spends his time with Rabbit.


Description: A gopher, about 15 inches tall.
More Description: Bricklayer, builder, 
excavation and demolition expert.
Lacks common sense.
Address: Tunnels under the 100 Aker Wood.
Favorite Things to Do: Work projects.  
Biggest Problem: Doesn't look where he is going.
Often falls into his own tunnels.
Quotes and Sayings: "I'm not in the book you know." 


Description: Hostile Animal. Comes in 
every shape and size and color. 
Often Elephant-shaped.
More Description: Feared by residents 
of the 100 Aker Woods.
Address: 100 Aker Woods. Rarely seen.
Best Friend:: The Woozle.
Favorite Thing to Do: Steal hunny.
Favorite Food: Pooh's Hunny.  
How To Catch One: Build a Cunning Trap,
like a Very Deep Pit, and use Hunny for bait.
Or if you are like Pooh and love hunny 
so much that you can't stand the thought 
of using real hunny as bait, then use 
yellow cheese (because it looks like hunny) 
and put it in a jar marked "Hunny".
How to Get It Home If You Catch One: 
Lead it home by a string, or it may come 
if you whistle. 


Description: Hostile Animal. Comes in
every shape and size and color. 
Often Weasel-shaped.
More Description: Feared by residents 
of the 100 Aker Woods.
Address: The East Pole, 100 Aker
Woods. Rarely seen.
Best Friend:: The Heffalump.
Favorite Thing to Do: Steal hunny.
Favorite Food: Pooh's Hunny.
Why They Are Feared: They nibble fur off 
of other animals to make nests for their young. 

Buzzing Sort of Bees 

Description: Hunny Bees
Why It Buzzes: "The only reason for 
making a buzzing noise is because you're a bee."
Why It's A Bee: "The only reason for
 being a buzzing sort of bee is to make hunny."
Pooh's Reason Why It Makes Hunny:
"Is for me to eat it."
Address: 100 Aker Woods North.
Favorite Things to Do: Buzz and Make Hunny. 

Christopher Robin 

Description: A boy about 46 inches tall. 
Dresses appropriately for the prevailing weather.
More Description: Master of the 100 Aker Woods.
Address: Top of the Forest (High Ground), 
100 Aker Wood East.
More About His Address: Lives behind a 
green door.
Best Friends: Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, 
Eeyore, Tigger, Rabbit, Owl, Kanga, and Roo.
Favorite Food: Birthday cake.
Favorite Things to Do: Helping his 
friends with their problems.
Other Favorite Things: Hosting birthday 
and hero parties outside his house.
What He Likes to Do Best: "Nothing" 
(meaning nothing in particular, free time).
Quotes and Sayings: "Silly old Bear."