
to our Final Fantasy 6 walkthrough. I have gone through the whole game so I know the game very well. I will try to make this walkthrough as easy to understand as possible. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, since the walkthrough isn't finished.

In case you ignored the prologue this is what happened:

NOTE: All of the buttons are in the Playstation controller format.

Event 1:Narshe

You start up on a hill just outside a town called Narshe with two men and a woman. The two men are Vicks and Wedge and the woman is Terra who was captured by the Empire and is currently under their control. After you leave the credits roll and you see a shot of Terra, Vicks, and Wedge walking toward Narshe. When you arrive in town Vicks and Wedge put Terra on point. When you gain control of her walk forward until you see a split in the walkway. Go to the right and you’ll fight some enemies. They’re incredibly easy especially since you have Magitek Armor. Just have Vicks and Wedge use Fire Beam, Ice Beam, or Bolt Beam. Have Terra use any of the three beams, Bio Blast, or, Tek Missile. Only she can use these skills and they’re very good. If your people get low on life, then in battle mode use the skill Heal Force and cure your character that needs curing. After that battle go back to the left and go up. You’ll fight another group of enemies. Use the same strategies as last time and cure when necessary. Go up again after that battle and you’ll fight two battles up there. After those battles go up again and you’ll be surrounded by enemies. This will be the first “pincer” attack in the game. Again use the same strategies as before. Then again go up and to the next screen. Keep going up and you’ll fight again. I usually just have Terra use Bio Blast and kill them all in one hit. Then, keep going up and into the cave. When you enter the cave go up until you see a path going to the left. There is a save point there and one of the moogles will explain how to use it. Then save and continue your journey upward. You may gain a level or two if you wish. You will see a wooden cage over the door to the next room. Walk up to it and press “X” and Vicks should knock it down. On your way into the next room a guard stops you and tells a monster named “Whelk” to get you.

Boss:Whelk-1,600 HP, Weaknesses- Head area, Items to steal- None

This battle isn’t hard. Just have Terra use Tek Missile and Vicks and Wedge use Bolt Beam. Yes, Fire Beam may do more damage, but I’ll tell you why to use Bolt Beam further down. Terra’s Tek Missile does quite a bit to Whelk, while Vicks and Wedge do about 200-300 damage. Now take heed of Vicks’s and Wedge’s conversation before the battle begins. When the monster puts it’s head in the shell, DO NOT ATTACK THE SHELL. If you do it will use a spell that will take down your HP by a lot, and maybe even kill you. Now, if you use Bolt Beam it will cure the monster’s shell, BUT it will not use the spell on you. When you kill Whelk the screen will flash twice and he will slowly disappear.

After you win the battle go and save and then go into the next room. Go up to the stone stairs where the “Esper” is and watch the scene. The Esper kills Vicks and Wedge and starts to meld with Terra.

Event 2: Escaping Narshe

After that the screen go blacks out and when Terra awakes she discovers she is in an old mans house in Narshe. The old man tells you that the Empire had control over you with a “slave crown.” You can then name her, but the default name is Terra and that name is fine with me. After some more talk Narshe’s guards come to the old mans house and demand that they return the girl and the Magitek Armor. The old man tells him to follow him, but instead go through the other door and into the other room. There is a grandfather clock there. Press “X” on it and you will get an Elixir. You can find an Elixir in almost every one of these clocks in the game. After you do that go back to the door where the old man is standing and walk out. Once outside walk to the left and keep going. Some guards will see you. Just ignore them and keep going until you get into the cave. When you enter the cave go up until you see a save point. Save there and keep going. You may gain another level here if you wish. Just have Terra fight or in worst cases use Fire magic to attack and Cure magic to cure her HP, but watch your MP! Cross the bridge and go to the right. Go up the stairs and get the chest. Inside is a Fenix Down. Go back to the bridge but this time go left and across the next bridge. Keep going left and get the next chest, which contains a Sleeping Bag. Then, go up and across the bridge and go up the stairs to the right. Keep going up until the game takes control of Terra. Watch the show. Terra then has a flashback and recalls how the slave crown was brought forth to her head. You’ll then see another scene where a new character comes into the game. His name is Locke and the old man tells him to go and follow Terra. He does and discovers what has happened to her. The Narshe guards then find Locke and Terra and who comes to save you? Why the Moogles of course! Have one of the moogles explain the battle system to you because you’ll be using it more than once. Switch to the party with a Moogle named “Mog” leading the group. SOMETIME DURING THIS SEQUENCE OF EVENTS UNEQUIP HIS MITHRIL SHIELD AND MITHRIL PIKE, THEY ARE VERY GOOD AT THIS POINT OF THE GAME. Fight your way through all the monsters and go up to the guard standing near the bottom of the room. Before this fight make sure you have fought at least one battle with Mog’s group because he will learn the “Dance” Dusk Requiem, because this is very effective when fighting Marshal. When in the battle with the Marshal have everyone attack, but have Mog use Dusk Requiem. After the battle Locke picks up Terra, thanks the moogles, and gets out of there. He goes through the caves and hits some kinda switch. He says to remember the switch because it might come in handy one day(and it will!). Then they leave the caves and you appear in the front of Narshe. Go into your menu by pressing “Triangle” and go down to equip. Press “X” on equip and a finger should appear next to the first character in your party. Go down to Terra and press ”X”. At the top of the screen there should be a finger. Go to optimum and press “X”. It should equip her with the Mithril Shield. If you’d like to equip it manually press “X” on equip and go to her shield and press “X”. It should bring up a list that has the Mithril Shield on it. Press “X” and it should equip it. Before you equip anything in the game you can see the stats of what the weapon or armor does for you by looking at the stats on the right side of the screen. Yellow indicates an increase in that field and when the number is black it indicates a decrease in power. Go to the left where you see the man standing in front of the door. Talk to him and go in. There learn about the game and all that stuff. In the pots and barrels in the building you can find some Tonics and other items. One tip that will help in the course of the game is TALK TO EVERYONE. It helps to get those extra tidbits of info from the townspeople. When you’re done there leave town by walking off the screen and you go to the world map. You may save ANYWHERE on the world map. Remember this. Save your game and start to go South. Don’t forget about Locke’s ability to steal you can pick up some good items throughout the game. Walk toward the center of the desert. You should see a castle. Don’t go there yet. You should gain a few levels outside before going in. You should probably have Terra learn the Magic Antidote which cures poison. When you feel you’re ready, or running low on HP and MP enter the castle.

Event 3: Figaro Castle

When you enter Figaro Castle you will be stopped by a guard, but he will let you through. Just keep walking upward until you enter a big room with two doors off to the side. Go into the left door. In there is the Item Shop. Stock up on Potions and Tonics and other necessary items. After you stock up on items open the chest at the top of the room to get a soft. Next go into the room on the right and talk to the merchant. He sells tools for a character you are about to get. Buy a Noise Blaster and a Bio Blaster. He will already have an Auto Crossbow. Then get the Tonic and the Antidote out of the chests at the top of the room. Don’t go into the throne room yet, instead go in one of the doors behind the big door. Go to the left side of that hall and get the Fenix Down from the chest. Now you can go into the throne room. Talk to the king and watch the show. He then tells you he must go and talk to the Chancellor about something. He tells you to get familiar with the castle and walk around. Walk back outside to where the guards were standing in front of the door and go into the left one. When you enter go down the stairs to your right and out the door at the bottom. Walk to the left and you should see another building. Go inside. Talk to the old woman standing by the curtains. She tells you of Edgar’s past and about his twin brother Sabin. After that sequence go back to the throne room and talk to King Edgar. He starts to talk to you and they are interrupted by a guard who says someone from the Empire is there to see Edgar. When you have control of Edgar go into the menu and equip him with the Mithril Pike. Now talk to the man who you will soon learn is Kefka. Watch the conversation and after you have control again go back up and talk to Locke. Edgar tells Locke to take Terra to her room where she will sleep. Follow Locke through the library and downstairs and then go outside and to the right and into the building. They will have a short conversation and Locke will leave. She goes to sleep and then it shows Edgar. Watch that scene and then talk to Kefka. After talking to him go up and talk to the soldier. Edgar fakes out Kefka and runs away by none other than CHOCOBO!!! Terra and Locke join him in escaping and Kefka is shocked when the castle submerges in the sand. He then sends Magitek Armor after the party and they have to fight.

Boss: Magitek Armor(2)-210 HP each, Weaknesses- Bolt spells, Items to steal- Potion

This boss battle isn’t too hard either. Have Edgar use his Tools(preferably Auto Crossbow), Have Locke attack or steal(if you want those potions), and have Terra use magic. If Terra uses magic Locke and Edgar go crazy and watch the show.

When you kill them the three have a conversation. You should listen to this, the story is developing. After the conversation go south toward the cave they mentioned during their little “chat”. Save your game and enter the cave.

Event 4: The Cave to South Figaro

When you enter the cave go up until the game takes control of your lead character. It shows you that a Recovery Spring is there. Look for these during the game! They are helpful if you are getting low on HP and MP. You can level up here if you want and then restore your HP and MP when you need to. When you’re ready go into the door to go further into the cave. Go down and to the right and then down again and then right once more and get the treasure. THIS SHOULD BE THE ONLY TREASURE YOU PICK UP HERE BECAUSE YOU WILL COME HERE LATER AND THERE WILL BE BETTER ITEMS IN THE CHESTS!!!!! Then go left and up the stairs and into the door. In the next room go through the next door to the left and out the cave. Save your game out here and fight a little before entering the town to the south. If you fight in the forest you gain the best exp. points there. When you run into an enemy called Rhinontaur have Locke steal from it. You can occasionally steal Mithril Claws from them, which is a weapon that you get for a character you get later in the game which is better than the one the character starts off with. If you go to the house in the north and examine the flowers, dishes, and the stove you will discover information on the character you get next. You may also sleep in the beds for free and recover your HP and MP. When you’re done leave the house, talk to the man outside, and go down to the town. You can save outside the town if you like. When you are ready go into the town.

Event 4: South Figaro

When you enter the town you will see two barrels from your starting position. In one of them is a Tonic. If you go around to the other side there are crates, and in one of them is a Green Cherry. If you go down from the Chocobo Stable you will see a gap in the buildings. Go down and to the left and you’ll see another crate and it has a Soft in it. If you go around the building to your right there are some more items in the crates and barrels. Walk around the town and get used to your surroundings. You will be here several times later in the game. Once you find the Weapons Shop go in, but before you do there is a barrel with a Tonic in it in between the buildings. Walk up to the counter and talk to the man standing behind it. Buy 2 Regal Cutlasses(don’t ask why you’ll find out why later). Equip Terra with a Regal Cutlass and give Locke Edgar’s old Mithril Blade. Go over to the next counter and talk to the man. That’s the Armor Shop. Buy a Kung Fu Suit for Locke, a Cotton Robe for Terra, Heavy Shields for everyone, and a Plumed Hat for everyone. Now time to sell some stuff. Sell all of your old equipment except for a Buckler(the character you get next needs one) and sell your old weapons if you need the money, if you don’t hold on to your weapons because a character can throw them later doing quite a bit of damage. That character you ask? Well, go to the Cafe and find out for yourself. He will be standing next to the counter. He is one of the best characters in the game and the best of all in my opinion. His name is Shadow and he has a dog named Interceptor, that’s pretty cool and can help in battle a little. When you’re done with that sequence go to the big house at the north end of town. Go up the stairs and in the first door you see. Go BEHIND the bookcase and you should start to go down. Go down the other stairs and through the hall downstairs. When you go down the hall just keep going into the wall. Then when you hit the wall go to the right and you should go down the stairs again. You should come into a room that looks like a dungeon. Go in the first cell and get the Hyper Wrist out of the chest. That is a Relic and to equip them it is much like a weapon except go down to Relic in your menu. You may equip two Relics on each character. Give the Hyper Wrist to the person who you want to do more damage in battle. Then go to the next cell and get the Running Shoes from the chest. The chest is hidden behind the metal bars so watch for the chest. When all that is done go back up the stairs and this time go to the right down the hall. Go into the last door and collect the treasure in there. You should collect 3,000 GP all together in that room. Go back outside to where you entered that house. Now from there go down and around the building and in the house. Talk to the man in front of the counter. He teaches you about Relics. Listen to that and then talk to the guy behind the counter. Buy 3 pairs of Sprint Shoes, trust me it helps. Give one Sprint Shoes to one of the people in your party. Now walk around. You may now move faster around towns and caves. If you need some Items go to the Item Store(it’s up on a platform)and get some Items. Leave the town and gain a few more levels returning to the house up north when you need a rest. After that save your game and head northeast and enter the mountain.

Event 5: Mt. Kolts

When you enter go up and into the cave. Once inside go to the right and up the stairs and then down and out the door. Now you are outside again go to the right and in the next door. Now once inside go down and you should see a boulder in the middle of the path. Go down and hit the wall and then move to the right and if you have to move up a little bit, but get to that other side and out the door. Out there is a chest with the weapon Guardian in it. Give it to Locke and go back into the room where you moved around the boulder. This time go up, but not across the bridge yet. Go to the right and you should walk along the wall. Keep going right until you hit the wall and then go up and in the door. In that room is a chest with an Atlas Armlet. Give that to anyone you want to have better attack damage(I usually give it to Terra). Go back to the main room and up the bridge and out the next door. When outside follow the shadowy figure around the mountain and then go into the first door you see. Go through the cave and out the bottom. There is a treasure chest with a Tent there. Go back to the other room and go into the second door this time. Go through this cave and out the door at the north end of the cave. When you get outside once again go up and across the bridge that’s up there. Go through the next door and you should come to a save point. Save your game and use your Tent. Now go out the next cave and you should once again be outside. Go through the windy path and you should come to the man that’s been shadowing you. Watch the small talk sequence and get ready to fight.

Boss:Vargas-11,600 HP(but he runs away after you use Pummel), Weaknesses- Poison, Items to steal-Mithril Claw or Tonic or Potion, Ipooh-360 HP each,

Have Edgar use Bio Blaster, Locke fight or Steal, and Terra use Fire or Cure. Once Vargas’s Ipooh’s are gone you can start attacking Vargas. Use the same attacks and then Sabin should show up. Listen to what the game says CLOSELY, but if you didn’t go into his Blitz command by pressing “X” on Blitz and then press left, right, left on the control pad, then press “X”. This should make him run away.

After the battle they all have a little talk and Sabin joins the group. Equip him with the Mithril Claw if you got one by stealing from some enemies. Go through the next cave and get the Tent out of the chest and then leave the mountain by going down the stairs. Save once outside and then head north. You should see a cave. If you’d like gain a few levels before going in. When you are ready or in need of aid enter the cave.

Event 6: Returners’ Hideout

When you enter the cave to the Returners’ Hideout there should be a man standing in the way. Talk to him and you’ll follow him. Enter the door he leads you to and you can save your game and you need to talk to Banon. Before you do that though get the Potion out of the chest to the right of Banon. Now talk to him. Read the dialogue because you will have to make a decision. When Terra wakes up talk to Locke and get the Fenix Down from the chest. Leave the room and head up into the other room. Open the three chests to get an Air Lancet, Fenix Down, and a True Knight relic. Also, in the pots there is an Antidote and a Tincture. If you go to the right of the barrels and keep going to the right and down you will see another chest with the White Cape relic. When you get your party back equip someone with this, or you can give it to Terra. Go back down to where you followed the guard when you first entered. In the pot next to the statue there is a Green Cherry, and then at that end of the table if you walk up to it there is a piece of paper!?!? I don’t think this has any relevance to the U.S. version of the game. There is an Item shop there where the man is standing and you can stock up if you need to. Once you do that talk to whichever party member is standing near there and then go to where you met Banon and talk to that party member. Now go to where you came in and talk to the guard. He says that Banon is outside. He will ask you to join them. If you say “Yes” he will give you the Gauntlet relic, which lets you hold one weapon with two hands, and a meeting will follow. If you say “No” Terra will walk away and you’ll have to confront Banon again. If you keep saying “No” a sequence will follow, you will get the Genji Glove relic(which let’s you equip 2 weapons at the same time[ better than the Gauntlet]), and you will have to escape. Locke will leave and Banon will join. You cannot equip or unequip any of Banon’s equipment.

Event 7: The Lete River

You will find yourself standing in a cave. You know that extra Regal Cutlass I asked you to buy earlier. Well, this is where you can finally use it. I usually give the Genji Glove to Edgar and then he will have the most powerful weapons at this point in the game, the Mithril Pike and the Regal Cutlass. When you are done with all that you should put Banon in the back row to lessen damage done to him(he doesn’t have much HP). To do so enter the menu and press left on the control pad. A little finger will pop up and you go down to Banon and double click on him. You can do this to anybody and you may also switch characters places by pressing “X” once and then pressing “X” on the character you want to move with the other character. Once you’ve done that go south through the cave and you’ll come outside. Say “Yes” you want to jump on the raft, unless you have something you need to do like buy Items. You will jump on the raft and float away. If Banon dies the game is over, remember that. So cure him often. You can’t control the raft so just wait for the battles to come to you. When you fight have Edgar use Auto Crossbow, Sabin fight or “Blitz”, Terra fight or rarely use Magic, and Banon use the skill “Health”. This skill allows Banon to cure the party without using MP or anything. That’s a good skill, but unfortunately you can’t learn it.: ( You will come across an option in a while. You will be asked if you want to go Left, Straight, or Right. Go Straight this time. Once in a while you will come across a save point. Save your game and cure if needed because you can’t access the menu on the raft. Keep moving along and you’ll come across another option. If you go straight you will keep looping around in a circle.(If you have a Turbo Controller when you are at the save point go into Configure in the menu and set the Cursor to “Memory”. You will keep looping around and just have Edgar use Auto Crossbow, Sabin fight, Terra fight, and Banon use “Health”. Now turn on your Turbo “A” button and go do something else or sleep. You will keep looping around and EVERY battle your characters will choose to do those options without you telling them to. Leave it on over night to wake up to high levels!!!!)When you’re tired of that or don’t want to level up go to the left. You will come into another cave and you should save. Get back on to the raft and keep going until you run into Ultros.

Boss: Ultros-3,000 HP, Weaknesses- Fire and Bolt spells, Items to steal-Hey where’s Locke??

This battle is one of the first of the hardest battles you will face in Final Fantasy 3. Have Edgar fight with his two swords, heh heh heh, Sabin use his best blitz(If you have Fire Dance that’s the best against Ultros), Terra use Fire and Cure if ever necessary, and have Banon use Health. You should beat him easily this way. After the battle watch what happens and no you will have three scenarios.

You may do these in any order you wish, but this is the may most people suggest. First, save your game and then walk over and press “X” on Locke.

Event 8: South Figaro....Again

First of all give Locke his optimum equipment, since he is unequipped, before moving on. First of all go to the Item Shop up on the hill. There is a Merchant in there. Talk to him and you’ll fight him. Steal from him and you’ll get his clothes. Now you’re a merchant!!!! Walk out the door and go into the house next door. Go down the stairs and talk to the boy. He’ll let you pass by since your a merchant. Now go up to the where the Weapon and Armor shop is and go up the stairs to the right of it. Go all the way to the left and behind the house. Now, talk to the guard in green. You’ll fight him. Do the same thing and steal his clothes. Now the barrel in the middle there has a Warp Stone in it. Go around the rail and go get it. Now go to where you could see the other soldiers and talk to the one blocking the way to the Inn. He’ll leave thinking you’re his replacement. Now go into the Cafe and go down the stairs. Go into that room and fight the Merchant. Steal his clothes too. Now you have the Cider. Go back to the house where the boy let you through(there’s a back door, but you can’t see it) and go upstairs and to the left and talk to the old man. He will try or remember the password, but can’t. Go back downstairs to tell the boy the password. It’s the second choice, I think it’s Courage. He will open a secret door if you get it right and you’ll have to start over if it’s wrong. Go into the secret passage and you’ll come up in a secret room. In the clock is an Elixir so don’t miss that. Go in the door and you’ll appear outside the mansion on a porch or something. In one of the barrels is a Fenix Down. Go in the house and upstairs. Go into the first room and back down the stairs behind the bookcase. Remember this? When it asks you to change clothes it doesn’t matter if you do or don’t, attempt to go into the first door. You’ll see a woman being attacked by a guard. That’s General Celes and she turned traitor. When the other guard leaves enter the room and remove her chains. They talk a little bit.

Event 9: Rescue of General Celes

After that walk up to the guard that’s sleeping and take the key. Go into the second room and save. Equip Celes with what you have for now. Then go into the third room and you should see a clock in the upper right hand corner that’s not ticking. Use the clock key and go into the door that appears. There are enemies in here so watch out. When you enter go to the right and go down and get the Iron Armor out of the chest. Give it to Celes and move on. Then on the right wall keep trying to enter the wall. In one of the spaces there is a door in the wall that you can’t see. When you’re in there keep trying to go down because there’s a door there too. You’ll see a staircase so go down. If you go down there will be an Ether in a chest down there. Then, go up and get the X-Potion out of the chest and then there is a Ribbon hidden in the southern two space wide wall so press “A” on the wall until you get it. Go back up the stairs get out of that passage and go up and to the right and then down. You should see two chests and an empty chest. In the chests there is a Regal Cutlass and a Heavy Shield. Equip Celes with this. Now go back around the hall and all the way down and then left. There is an Earring in the chest there. You should probably give that to Celes. Now go to the right and up the stairs where Celes and Locke have another conversation. Go out the door and leave the town. Now once out of town go to the cave that you came from Figaro in. When inside the cave go in that door and then through the next room. You’re probably saying, “Hey this is the cave that I wasn’t supposed to get the treasures.” Well now you can. Go to the left and get the X-Potion out of the chest. Now go around like you’re going back to Figaro except this time keep going left instead of going up to the exit. Go up the stairs and in the door and go to the right and get the Thunder Rod out of the chest. Now go back and go in the other door. Drink from the Recovery spring and leave. On your way out you will be attacked.

Boss: Tunnel Armor-1,300 HP, Weaknesses-Water and Bolt spells, Items to steal-Air Lancet or Bio Blaster

This fight is pretty easy. Just have Celes use Runic and Locke fight or steal. If you run low on HP just have Locke use a Potion or something. To make this battle REALLY easy, you know that Thunder Rod you picked up. Well it can be used as an Item in battle too. Of course if you use it it’s gone for good, but don’t worry you can buy more later in the game. Here’s how to use it. Go into Item in battle scroll down to your Thunder Rod and double click “X” on it. A finger should appear over Tunnel Armor. Press “X” and watch as you kill Tunnel Armor in one hit. After the battle that scenario is over.

Now pick another scenario, but now I usually choose to do Terra, Edgar, and Banon’s.

Event 10: Getting Back Into Narshe

You’ll start on the Lete River and you’ll have to fight a few battles, but they’re not hard. Once on the world map again head northwest toward Narshe. Save outside the town. Go in the town and if you need to cure yourself go into the Training School and use the bucket. Then, go to the spot where Locke first helped you. If you don’t remember just go to the left of the Training School and press “X” on the wall. Backtrack through the caves and you’ll find yourself at a “Security Checkpoint”. Follow the light through and if you mess up you’ll have to “tag” the glimmering light. Go to where Locke escaped with Terra when the Moogles came to save you. Go into that cave and you’ll end up where the Moogles live. Go through that cave and get the Rune Edge out of the chest. Give it to Edgar in place of the Regal Cutlass. if you give it to Terra it will do a critical hit, but will use MP every time it does. Follow the way you came from the old man’s house in the beginning of the game and walk into the back of his house. Listen to this conversation as well.

Now that this scenario is over walk up to Sabin and press “X” for the last and longest scenario.

Event 11: Getting Back to Narshe With Sabin

First of all go to the first house you see. There you will see none other than my favorite character...Shadow. Don’t worry he’s not out to kill you. Talk to him and tell him you want to join him. Then after that talk to the man on the chocobo and buy some stuff. Get your people Sabin and Shadow Plumed Hats if they need them. Now head south past the forest and into the Imperial Camp. Save before you enter. Watch the scene and the introduction to a new character, Cyan. When you appear outside go and talk to their leader. If you have the skill Slash use it once because it cuts the enemies HP in half. To use a Sword Tech let the meter fill up to the specified number. Look at our skills list for more info. When you kill him if you get a Black Belt relic keep playing the game. If you don’t get it then play the part over. Go into the tent to the right and there is a chest in there. Hit the chest because if you kick it you’ll have to fight. There’s a Star Pendant in it. One thing I usually don’t do is give any relics to Shadow. Because he’ll leave when he feels like it and it’ll be hard to get it back. Then go down across the bridge and keep trying to go down and watch the next conversation. Now you’ll fight Kefka... sort of. Just hit him once and he’ll run away. Now before you fight him again go to the left until you see another tent. There are two chests in there, one has a Mithril Glove and the other has monsters in it. When you fight the Telstar just do it like a normal battle except use Blitzes and such. When you win you’ll get a Green Beret. Give it to Sabin. Now, go behind that tent and all the way to the left and you should jump down into the next tent. There is a Barrier Ring in that chest in the tent. Now go back and talk to Kefka. Keep following him until you get into the fight with the Templars and Soldiers. Have Sabin use his best Blitz, preferably Fire Dance, and have Shadow fight. After that watch the scene and you’ll take control of Cyan once again. Equip him to his optimum. and go down the stairs and in to the big double doors down there. Watch the show and then search the castle for survivors. In the room where the other soldier is standing there is a pot with a Remedy item on the right side of the room. now go to the room that is to the right of the throne room and watch that scene. Cyan will become VERY upset and go to the Imperial Camp and start to fight. Walk up to the side of him or in back of him and help him fight the soldiers. Keep doing that until you get in the Magitek Armor. Now head back the way you came into the camp and fight some battles with the other M-Tek Armors and such. Once out of the Imperial Camp head south until you see a forest. Save before you enter because this is where Shadow usually leaves if he ever does for me. When in the forest head to the right until you see a sign and a road. Walk up the road. There is a Recovery Spring there. Now head to the right and down into the next path. Now head to the right and up that path and then right once more and up the next path. What’s this you see. Well, watch and find out.

Event 12: The Phantom Train

Once on the train go to the right and into the last train car. There will be a ghost in there wanting to join your party. If you need some help say “Yes” and move into the room at the top of the screen. Save your game in there and then head back to the other car. Not all ghosts are nice like that. Just keep heading through the cars until you have to enter a car from the front. A ghost will sell you some Items in that car, but you’ll have to find him. When you’re ready talk to the ghost blocking the way out. You’ll have to fight him. Watch that little sequence and climb up on the roof. Once you’re done jumping into the next car and pull the switch on the north wall. Then go back into the car and pull the switch again. Save your game and move through that car as well. if you enter the next car and sit at the center table. The ghosts will get you some food. It will Restore your HP and cure any status ailments. When you’re done with that go around to the back side of the train and enter. Get the Earring from the chest that’s there. Now go into the next car and in the first door you see. Try and open the chest and you’ll have to fight Siegfried, but don’t worry one hit and he’ll run away. Now move into the next car because the second door to the first car has nothing in it. Now go into the second door of that car. There are four chests in that room. You’ll receive 2 Fenix Downs, a Sniper Sight relic, and in the next chest you’ll have to fight an enemy to get the Hyper Wrist out of that chest. Now move out of that room and go into the next car. You may save in there. Heal up since you’re going to fight a boss. Now move up in to the Engine car. Go up to the switches and hit the first and the third switches and go back outside. Climb up the car and press “X” on the smokestack. Get ready to fight now.

Boss: Phantom Train-1,900 HP, Weaknesses- Lightning, Fire, and Holy spells, Items to steal-None

This battle is pretty easy. Have Sabin use either Fire Dance or Aura Bolt Blitzes, Cyan use either Slash(if you have it), and Shadow fight and heal the party with potions and such. If you want to make this battle real easy just use a Fenix Down on it. Since it’s an undead creature it gets harmed by curing items and killed by Fenix Downs and Revivifys.

Once the battle is over you get off the train and now watch this scene. Once outside on the world map save. If you’d like to you can unequip Shadow’s equipment and give it to other people since he will be leaving soon(If he hasn’t left already). Now go up to the where you see the little mountain thing and save your game. When you’re ready or tired of gaining levels go in.

Event 13: The Baren Falls and the Veldt

Enter the Baren Falls and walk through the small cave up to the summit of the falls. Shadow will leave(If he hasn’t left already) and you will be given the option to jump. When your well equipped jump. You’ll fight a series of Piranhas and then a sub-boss, Rizopas. The Piranhas can be taken out in one hit, or you can use Fire Dance if there are several of them.

Sub-Boss: Rizopas-775 HP, Weaknesses-None, Items to Steal-None

This sub-boss is pretty easy. Just have Sabin use Aura Bolt or Fire Dance and Cyan use one of his Sword Techniques. If you should ever need curing just use a Tonic or something.

After the battle is over you will appear next to a river and a boy will walk up to you. You can name him, but his default name is Gau. Once he runs away walk off screen and you should be on the world map. Save your game and head in the direction of east and then when you reach the mountains walk around them and then go north. If when you are fighting Gau appears after battle just hit him and he’ll go away... for now. Save once outside the town of Mobliz and then go in. Don’t buy weapons and armor yet. Instead go to the house above the shop. Talk to the man in bed and he’ll tell you to get the letter on the desk. Go get the letter and read it to him. Now go to the house to the right of the soldier’s house and talk to the man standing by the bookcase. Send a letter for him and get the Elixir out of the clock. Now go to the Weapon/Armor Shop and buy 1 PIECE OF EQUIPMENT. Once you have bought ONE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT go and talk to the soldier again. Another letter is sitting on the table for him. Pick it up and read it to the man in bed. Now go and send another letter and but 1 more piece of equipment. Then talk to the man. Keep repeating this process until he gives you the Tintinabar relic. Then go buy the rest of your needed equipment. Only buy armor and things for your current party. Leave the people that aren’t in your party out of buying unless I specifically say so. You will need a Mithril Claw(Unless you picked one up before around South Figaro), a Kotetsu, one suit of Iron Armor, 1 more Kung Fu Suit(For Gau), a Heavy Shield and a Buckler, and two Iron Helmets. Now equip your people to the optimum and go to the Item Shop. Buy some Dried Meat there and if you need some other Items. If you need a rest go into the Relic Shop and rest in the bed in the back for free. Now go back on to the Veldt and start fighting. You will not gain EXP. in the battles on the Veldt only GP and Items. When Gau appears after battle don’t attack him, this time use a Dried Meat on him. Watch the semi-long show and then read on how to use Gau’s Leap and Rage abilities. When you are tired of getting Rages go down south and into the cave that is there. Save before entering. If you walk to the left where there is a small piece of land you will get a Tonic. If you go up to where that big rock is sticking out of the ground Gau will scare you and you will lose 500 GP. Go to the right and Gau will uncover his “treasure” for you to use. Once in the Serpent Trench you will fight a few battles. When arrows start flashing on the screen. always go to the right. When you get in the first cave go to the right and get the X-Potion out of the chest. Now exit that cave and enter the ocean once again. Keep fighting and going right. When in the next cave go through that cave and then in the next room step on the switch at the bottom of the room. Go down the drain where the water went and get the Green Beret out of the chest. Give it to whoever you’d like to and move through the next few caves. You will now exit the Serpent Trench. You will appear at a dock in a town called Nikeah. Leave the dock area and find the people selling Weapons and Armor. Buy a Mithril Pike for Edgar, and even though you have one just do it, three more suits of Iron Armor, four more Iron Helmets, and if anyone needs a Heavy Shield or Buckler buy it for them. If you’re running low on money sell some of your old armor or if you need more go outside and fight. Before leaving I think there is an Elixir in one of the clocks in the Inn. When you are ready to leave go back to the dock and tell the man you are ready to set sail. You have now completed the scenarios for each group. Now watch and learn as a big battle is about to take place.

Event 14: Defending Narshe

After a short talk you will appear on the snow fields of Narshe. Don’t talk to Banon just yet. If you talk to a character you may equip them, restore HP/MP, etc. Equip everybody to their optimum. Make sure you give that other Mithril Pike to Edgar if you picked up the Genji Glove back at the Returner’s Hideout. When you are ready save and talk to Banon. you can make three parties to attack Banon. I usually make the middle group my attack group. Make sure you put Edgar in your attack group his Bio Blaster Tool is very good here. My party usually consists of Edgar, Sabin, Terra or Celes, and Locke. When you are ready move your main party down and then have your other two parties block ANY holes the enemy can get through. Move your party down fighting only necessary battles, you’ll want to conserve energy. When you fight a man called Rider, he’s right before Kefka, and have Locke steal from him. He may steal a very good piece of armor for this point in the game called Mithril Vest. When he is defeated move on and talk to Kefka.

Boss: Kefka-3,000 HP, Weaknesses-None, Items to Steal-Ether

When fighting have Edgar attack, Sabin use Blitzes, Terra attack with magic, or if you brought Celes have her use Runic or attack with magic, and have Locke steal, fight or cure party members when necessary. This way Kefka will go down in no time.You will recieve a Peace Ring for defeating him.

When that is done with watch what happens with the group and the Esper.

Event 15: Search and Rescue

After watching the small scene with the group assemble your party. I always bring Edgar, Sabin, Locke, and Celes. If you want to get Shadow, you can get him to join for a while, only bring three people. WARNING: Shadow will leave any time he wants to. This way you have Tools, Blitz, Steal, and Magic if needed for curing. exit out the front door of Arvis’s house and go into the Armor Shop to the left. Buy 4 Mithril Shields and if you didn’t have enough money to afford all of the Iron equipment earlier buy it here. After shopping at the Armor Shop walk around town and you should see a Weapon Shop. There buy a Flail for Celes and a Full Moon for Locke(but I usually keep locke with the Thief Kinfe for right now). After you give the Flail to Celes you may put her in the back row since the Flail does the same amount of damage from the back row as it does in the front. If you give Locke the Full Moon, which is stronger than the Thief Knife, you can put him in the back row too, but I recommend the Thief Knife since you can steal and attack at the same time 50% of the time you attack. Now go straight down from Arvis’s house, but stay on the ledge. You should see a house there. Go inside and pick up all the goodies. You should get 5,000 GP, an Earring, a Thief’s Knife, a Wall Ring, a Sneak Ring, and a Hyper Wrist. Give those Relics to whomever you want to, but give the Thief’s Knife and the Sneak Ring to Locke. After you are done doing all of your “things” in Narshe leave and head south to Figaro Castle. If you have Sabin with you he will leave your party once you get to the main courtyard kinda place. When he leaves go to the Tool Shop and buy yourself a Flash and a Drill. Drill is a very powerful attack on one enemy, while Flash hits multible enemies, like Auto Crossbow. After you buy go to the left room at the place where Sabin left you. You should see a set of beds. Rest there and watch the scene. When you wake up go into the main hall where there are two sets of stairs. Go down the left set. Talk to the man there and tell him go to Kohlingen. When you stop exit the castle, save, and head north of Figaro.You should see a town there. Go in the town. This is Kohlingen, Locke’s birthplace. If you have Locke with you go into the house at the top left of the screen. Locke should then tell you a story, or rather you see one. When that is done take the Elixir out of the pot in the house and exit. There is nothing that you will need at the Weapons Shop if you have followed me so far. But if you need Items or didn’t have enough money to buy something then buy it here. Then head to the eastern house. Go behind the house where the bridge is. There should be a door in the back of the house. Inside you will find yourself behind a few things. To the left is a treasure chest containing a Green Beret. Equip that because it is a good helmet for this point in the game. Then exit out the back and go through the front door of the house. Go downstairs and press “X” on the girl on the bed. You should see another cut scene. Now leave and go to the Inn-Cafe. You will see, none other than... Shadow!!!! He will only join you if you have money and if you only have three members in your party. But beware because he will leave whenever he feels like it. So I wouldn’t take him with you. When you are done talking to people or whatever leave the town save and head NORTH. Just do it. You will fight a few battles going this way and pick up a good relic. When you go north enough you will see a house. Go inside and you should find a man. In one of the pots is a Hero Ring. Equip it and leave the house. Now you have a choice. You will be going a LONG way to where you have to go next. If you have to level up I would suggest walking there. If you are lazy, like me, there is a Chocobo Stable in the forest. Walk around in the forest until you find it. Take the chocobo and head south, way south until you see a town behind the mountains, this tells you that you went the right way and to keep going. You will come across another town. Stop here, save, and enter the town. This town is called Jidoor, and yes it’s a town full of rich idiots. When you enter the town an Armor Shop is to your left. Buy a White Dress for Celes, Ninja Gear for Locke, Sabin, and if you have Shadow with you buy one for him. Now buy a Mithril Vest for everyone else who needs one, it should be Edgar, Locke, and maybe Cyan. I don’t think that you need to buy any Headbands. Now walk to the right a little talking to people to find out information. When you see a little bridge walk under it and you should find the Weapons Shop there. If you have Cyan with you buy a Forged katana for him, for Sabin a Kaiser, again if you have Shadow a Kodachi, and if you didn’y have enough money to buy a Full Moon before buy it here. If you go to the left a little you will see the Inn. Stay there if necessary. It’s 250 GP here... ouch. The Relic Shop is just north of the Inn on the upper platform of the town. Buy any relics if you want or need any. Now again the next town is a little bit far, and I’m too lazy to walk on the game, there is a Chocobo Stable at the entrance to town. Take a chocobo if you wish and head northeast to the other side of the mountains where you saw that other town earlier. When you find the town, I always think it is neat that the town is in the shape of a question mark, save before entering and then enter ZoZo. This town has random battles in it so beware. An enemy called HadesGigas is here. When you kill him make sure that your HP is at it’s peaks because sometimes this guy will use an attack called Magnitude8 and it does 200+ damage. The enemy SlamDancer in the houses will sometimes do Ice 2, Fire 2, or Bolt 2 so beware and take care of her quickly. The Harvesters and Gabldegaks aren’t too hard. Before you enter any houses go to the left and then up and you should see a house with a man walking around that says “You can’t trust the people here in ZoZo” or something like that. Go into that house and press “X” on the clock on the wall. Enter 6 first, then 10, and then 50 making the time 6:10:50. The wall should open in the upper corner. You can walk through this wall and there are stairs there too. When you walk up the stairs you will see a treasure chest. OPEN IT. Inside will be another one of Edgar’s Tools the Chainsaw. This can kill an enemy in one hit, but if it doesn’t do that it’ll do a lot of damage. Note: You cannot kill bosses in one hit. Exit the house and go to the left. You can walk behind the large building and you should see two smaller buildings. If you go into the first building you see there will be a treasure chest with a Tonic inside. In the other building there is another man that tells you the wrong time for the clock. Go back to where you saw the man talking about the people in ZoZo. Go straight down from there all the way to the bottom of the screen and you should see a building. Go inside. Once inside go up the stairs and you will appear outside.Go up the flight of stairs in front of you and enter the door. In this room there are a bunch of guys just there to annoy you by getting in your way and telling you the wrong time for the clock. When you reach the other side of the room go up the stairs and you will once again be outside. Continue to go up the stairs until you see a door. Go inside and you will see a treasure chest. The chest contains the Thief Glove. Equip Locke with this new found treasure. Once that is done he can use the command “Capture”. Instead of just stealing, now Locke can steal and attack at the same time. Since Locke has his command “Capture” now he won’t need that Thief Knife anymore. If you don’t have Locke equipped with the Full Moon, you may equip it now and put Locke in the back row. Now exit that room and go down the stairs a bit until you see a place where a door should be. It looks like a black invisisble door I guess you could say. One there enter the doorway and go to the left. You should jump from building to building. Make it all the way to the left and you should see another “invisible door”. You can enter this one. Once inside go to the top of the room until you see a break in the wall. Go through the break and up the small steps. Up there are a few pots. One which contains a Tincture and one that contains a Potion. Go down and exit the room. You will appear outside..... again. Go up the stairs and you will see another “invisible door” that you can jump from. Jump back to the other building, go up the stairs, and enter the door. Go up the stairs once inside and you will appear in another room upstairs. Go out the door on the left and the scene should loonk familiar.Continue up the stairs until you see a door. MAKE SURE YOU GO IN HERE IF YOU WANT A GOOD WEAPON FOR SABIN!!!!! Inside is the Fire Knuckle which Sabin should have for a very, very long time. Equip him with it and go up the rest of the stairs until you see a person standing in your way. Heal up and get ready to fight.

Boss: Dadaluma- 3,270 HP, Weaknesses- Poison, Items to steal- Jewel Ring or Sneak Ring

This isn’t a hard battle at all if you have fairly strong characters. Have Edgar use Drill, Sabin use Suplex or Aura Bolt, Locke attack or Capture, and Celes cure, attack, or use Ice. If this battle goes on long enough Dadaluma will summon some of his minions to attack. Unless the minions are killing you just concentrate on Dadaluma. Once he’s dead so are his minions. About half way through the battle Dadaluma will use some healing items. Just keep pummeling him with attacks and he should be gone in no time.

After the battle go up the stairs and enter the building. Go to the left and right sides of the room to find some Running Shoes and an X-potion. After that go up and watch the scenes. After the scene go down to the entrance of the room and speak with the party members you left at Narshe. There will be another talk and this is of invading the Empire’s capitol of Vector. You must take Locke and Celes with you. Take two other party members( I usually take Edgar and Sabin) and talk to the ghost if you wish to know how to equip “Espers”. I will also explain it in this walkthrough. Enter the menu and go to Magic, then go to “Esper” Equip the Esper you wish each character to learn magic from. When you double click(or just click I can’t remember) on an Esper in your list you will see a few spells there. Following the spells is a “x” symbol and a number. That is how quick you learn a spell. In battle you will now notice that when you win a battle it says gained x magic points(x = a number). Now say you are learning Fire from Siren. It will have an x6 next to it. That means per 1 Magic Point you gain in battle, you will learn that spell by 6%. When you learn a spell 100% you may use it as many times as you wishin battle, but as with Terra in the beginning of the game you have a limited amount of MP. So, have fun with Espers and watch your MP! Finally exit the town and SAVE.

Event 16: Invading Vector

Now, you must find a way to get to the capitol of the Empire. Go to Jidoor and go to the largest house in the back of the town. Talk to the man in black. He will mistake you for the best opera singer in these parts! Once he leaves pick up the letter and read it. You probably need a rest at the inn, so do so. Now exit town and head south. After a small walk you should see the Opera House. Before entering the Opera House you probably want to learn some of those spells that you got. Also, in battle, when in the Magic menu, press “Up” on the control pad and you will see the Esper that that person currently has equipped. You may use that Esper only ONCE per battle, so choose carefully. The number to the right of the Esper is the amount of MP it takes to cast. Also, when just casting magic there is a small box on the right side of the screen. That is how much each spell costs to cast. When you finish leveling up and such enter the Opera House. When inside talk to Impressario( Name sound familiar? It should since the main ghost’s name on the train was Impressario). You will go into a series of conversations, and then a “friend” will show up. Celes will go to rehearse, and the rest of the party will go to watch the opera. When you have control of Locke take him back down to the room where you left Celes and talk with her. You will then have control of Celes. If you wish read over the score as Locke suggests, but I will tell you what to say in this walkthrough. When you are ready walk through the curtains. When you have the first choice of words choose: “Oh my hero,” at the next choice: “I’m the darkness,” and the last choice choose: Must I forget you...?” When you see Draco appear walk up to him and press “X” on him, and keep following him until he dissappears. Then, pick up the flowers and walk up the stairs. Note: There are two sets of stairs, one you can see and one to the right of the first flight. Just press “Right” after you go up the first stairs then “Up” and you should climb to the top. Watch the rest of the scene. After that you gain control of Locke again. Move towards the door and read the letter that was placed in the room. After reading the letter go talk to Impressario. Watch the small scene, and once you gain control of your entire party go up and to the right. Enter the room that is up there and talk to the man in front of the stairs, and be quick about it, you have a 5 minute time limit. The man tells you to hit the far right switch. Do so and exit the room. Now go back to where you were sitting before and this time go up and left. Enter that room and go through the door. This leads to the beams above the stage. Fight your way to Ultros and talk to him. Watch the small scene and get ready to fight.

Boss: Ultros- 2,550 HP, Weaknesses- Thunder, Fire, Items to steal- None

This battle can be hard if you let it go long. Start off by having Edgar use Drill or some magic, Sabin using magic or Blitzing, and Locke using magic, but steer towards the curative magic with him. This battle should go by fairly quickly this way.

After the battle watch the pretty long scene. Once you are on the world map save.

You should appear outside the Blackjack(airship) and next to a town. If you need a curing(which you probably do) go up to the airship and press "X". You will appear inside the airship. You will see two men once inside. The man on the left will heal you completely for FREE, and the man on the right will sell you some items. Once you have done your business go outside the airship and enter the town. This is the town of Albrook. As tempting as it may seem, DON'T BUY ANYTHING. There is another town on the continent with better stuff to buy. Anyway, go into the Weapon Shop and you will see a man and a few statues of armor. By one of the statues there should be a pot. Inside there is a Tincture. Next to the Inn there are a few barrels. In the front one there is a Potion. If you enter the Relic Shop you will see that there is a Pub in the back of it. In the clock on the way to the Pub there is an Elixir inside. These are all the treasures in this town, so you can leave. Now head north and you should see Vector. Don't go there yet, instead keep going north until you see the next town. This is the town of Tzen, and there isn't really anything to do here just yet. Exit the town and you will see a small forest east of the town. In the center of the forest is a Chocobo Stable. Pay to ride and go to the southwest portion of the island. You should see another town. Get off the chocobo and go into the town. This is where you want to buy your weapons and armor. In the crate to the left of where you entered the town is a Revivify. Enter the Armor Shop and buy the proper equipment for your people that you have with you. With Edgar, Locke, Sabin, and Celes I usually need 2 Mithril Mails(Edgar and Celes), a Mithril Vest for Locke if you didn't steal one from Rider at Narshe, and 3 Mithril Helmets. At the Weapon Shop get 2 Epee's and a Boomerang. Near the exit at the right side of town is a few more crates and one of them has a Remedy in it. Also, if you enter the house that is near there you will find Lola, the injured soldier in Maranda's girlfriend that you sent letters and things to. Finally exit the town and save. East of the town is a forest. There is a three block part of the forest almost at the end on the far east side of it that has a Chocobo Stable in it. Get a chocobo and head back for Vector. Once outside save and enter. Once in the town of Vector go to the left. NEVER USE THE INN HERE THE GUY STEALS MONEY OR SOMETHING!! Go into the small house and talk to the lady. Say “No” and you have to fight. Fight the battle, which is incredibly easy. Afterwards talk to the lady again and she will heal you fo free. When you are done walk around the town until you find the man who is a Returner sympathizer. He helps sneak you into the Magitek Factory. Enter the factory and make sure you are healed up and have a few tents.

Event 17: The MagiTek Factory

When you enter the MagiTek Factory walk up a little bit, then go down the stairs. Go to the left and down some more stairs. You will then see a pipe to your left and stairs on the bottom. Go into the pipe and go left. You will come out on the other side. Go down and grab the Flame Sabre out of the chest. Equip it to whoever you think needs it most. From there you should see a hook moving back and forth. Jump on it when it comes by. From there go right, and into the first pipe you see there. Go down and you should appear on a platform. Go to the left and grab the Tincture out of the chest. From there go back up the pipe and into the next one. It places you on a ramp going downward. When you get off the ramp, go to the left and grab the X-Potion out of the chest there. Then, hop on the ramp to the right. Pick up the Thunder Blade, and equip it. Then go down and pick up the Remedy from the other chest. Hop on the next ramp. This ramp takes you into the next section of the factory. When you get off of this ramp go up the stairs on the upper side of the wall. Follow that path until you see a set of boxes on the right wall. You should then see a pipe near the wall. Get in it and go down. When the pipe splits off to the right, get out of the pipe. Grab the Zephyr Cape and Blizzard from there. Equip those and go back into the pipe. This time go down the pipe. You should end up in the area where you came in. Instead of going up the stairs, this time go down and to the left until you reach a treasure chest. Inside it are Dragoon Boots. Equip them if you wish(Jump takes a little while, Attack is faster). Then, go up the stairs you see and follow the path into the previous area. You will end up atop a platform with a treasure chest and a lift. Grab the Gold Shield and equip it. Only use the platform if you wish to leave the factory. If you are good then go back to the other area. From the stairs go down on the left side of the two paths. Enter the door and go down. You will see a treasure chest in a room. Enter the door and grab it. It is a Gold Helmet. Equip that, exit the room to the right, and enter the next door you see. It looks like there is nothing in there, but in the bottom-left corner there is a suit of Gold Armor. Take it, equip it, and go to the right some more. Walk up the stairs and grab the Tent out of the treasure chest. Now, walk all the way back to where you picked up the Dragoon Boots. Go back up the area where you came in this area the first time and hop on the ramp. Go down from the two boxes and you will witness Kefka with two Espers. When he has left follow where Kefka threw the Espers. Once down there, you will see the Espers, two doors, and a crane. The right door is blocked off, but the left is not. Enter that door and save and rest at the save point. The crane is in the middle of the room, and is used for getting out of that small area. If you are ready talk to the Esper towards the left(Ifrit). A battle ensues.

Boss: Ifrit- 3,300 HP and Shiva- 3,000, Weaknesses- Ifrit- Ice, Shiva- Fire, Items to steal- None from both

This battle is only hard if you are not prepared. You start off fighting Ifrit. Have your person equipped with the Blizzard sword attack, Sabin blitz using Aura Bolt or Pummel, Cyan use attack or Dispatch(or Quadra Slam if you have it), Locke attack or distribute items, Celes use Ice and Cure on the party, and Edgar use Drill. After a while if you haven't killed Ifrit he will disappear and Shiva will come in. This time have Sabin attack ONLY if he has the Fire Knuckle, Celes stick to curing, and the person with the Flame Blade attack instead of the person with the Blizzard. After a while you will wear them down and they will stop the battle.

They explain what has happened and give you their abilities as Espers. Equip them beacause they have good spells as of right now. When you are finished go back ot the save point, rest, and save your game.

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