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WUZ NEW Welcome to Wuz New!

Hey, see when you'll die by going to my deathclock. 

ALSO, I got my Javascript Clock working real cool again!  Click HERE to check it out.



MIDI Downloads
MIDI Downloads


Video Music Awards
1999 Video Music Awards

Javascript Clock



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Now that the password is posted up at the top of the page, you can click here to go to the DISCO PAGE!

NEW RUDIMENTAL/MARCHING DRUM SECTION UP!  Low on content right now, but more to come!  Access it through the drum page.

Drummers? Singers? Looking for a band?  I've got a friend in Ontario, Canada who's in a new band and needs both a drummer and a singer.  If you live close by, click here for details. OR, just go there to find out about the great upcoming band.

HAHAHAHA.  I stink at updating web pages.    But, I try.  I put in a new drumbeat in the drums section, so visit that, and also, please e-mail me if you've got any ideas for updates or new sections!

I Have decided to put my full attention into my drums section, so check it out often!  I have ALSO decided to tell you all the password to the Disco Page.  It is "No Comprendo".  So, click here to go to the DISCO PAGE!

The domain of Kevin site has been changed greatly.  It has a new address now, too, so check it out!  It's now called Ratamacue!

Also, my drum section now has sheet music drum beats to play, a drum FAQ section, and the Ayotte ads!  Check it out!
Go to my TOP list of the undetermined time period!
Now I have a section drummers can appreciate and others can read and try to decipher for hours. Click here to see this page. Also, keep time with my JavaScript clock by clicking here!
Chat with other people who visit this site by clicking here

For those of you who are really bored, click here to play the guess-a-number game.

Hey, um.  This is cool.  First read this letter straight through.  Then try reading only the odd lines.  (1,3,5,7...)  It has a completely different meaning.

Letter of Recommendation -

While working with Mr. Mooshoo, I have always found him
working studiously and sincerely at his table without 
gossiping with colleagues in the office. He seldom
wastes his time on useless things. Given a job, he always
finishes the given assignment in time. He is always
deeply engrossed in his official work, and can never be
found chitchatting in the canteen. He has absolutely no
vanity in spite of his high accomplishment and profound
knowledge of his field. I think he can easily be
classed as outstanding, and should on no account be
dispensed with. I strongly feel that Mr. Mooshoo should be
pushed to accept promotion, and a proposal to management be
sent away as soon as possible.


Also you can search for MP3's. Just type in a group or artist's name below!

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Please Wait... If this box doesn't change after a while, ignore this.

SuP? Welcome to the Wuz New Web Site! Sorry I haven't had updates on the spot recently, but I'm working to update it. This sight is always under construction, but it's commin' along alright.

Here's a cool little trick I heard recently. Okay, pick the number of days a week you would like to eat out. Multiply this by two. Now add 5. Now multiply by 50. Add 1750. If you haven't already had your birthday this year, add 1. If you have, add 2. Now, subtract the four digit year you were born. If you did this right, you'll have a three digit number. The first digit is how many days a week you would like to eat out. The next two digits are your age! Cool. It will only work in 2002, though.

Hey, I found a cool little web site. It's just fun for laughs, but make sure nobody's in the room if you do what it tells you... you'll see what I mean if you click here.

Suggest this site to your friends!

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(It's a great site for webbuilders!!!)

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