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WW2 The Warmongers Convention

Early German Campaigns

France: 1940

Right now this is mostly a page of links to various reference sites and research that I've collected. I'm planning using Dirtside II from GZG — with conversion rules by Mike Elliot — to play scenarios based during Germany's invasion of France.

Another set of rules that look interesting is Storm of Steel (SOS). Described as fast play rules for combat 1930 - 1950. 2nd edition. Includes From Sedan to Dunkerque, which is a supplement for France 1940.


Interesting battles that could provide the background for scenarios include the tank attack led by Rommel during the crossing of the Muese (scenario), the British Expeditionary Force's counter-attack at Arras.

Additional Stats for WW2 Tanks based on Mike Elliot's Conversion

French Tanks (1940):

Char B1 bis, Size 2, Armor 2, Very Slow Tracked, Basic FC, KEC/3 in a turret mount [and a KEC/1 if you want], 1 * APSW

H-35, Size 2, Armor 1, Very Slow Tracked, Basic FC, KEC/1 in turret, 1 * APSW

Panhard AMD 178, Size 1, Low Mobility Wheeled, Basic FC, KEC/1 in turret, 1 * APSW

S-35 Somua, Size 2, Armor 1, Very Slow Tracked, Basic FC, KEC/2 in turret, 1 * APSW

British Tanks:

Crusader I, Size 2, Armor 1, Very Slow Tracked, Basic FC, KEC/1 in turret, 1 * APSW

Crossfire Units

Airfix — Set 01728: WWI French Infantry (also HaT 7003)

Painted khaki they could do as WWII French (see example). Each platoon needs 9 figures, for a total of 27 per company. Referring to the picture at Plastic Soldier Review, the following figures would be for rifle stands.


The first figure on the top row would be used for the 3 PCs and the remaining figure could be modified to be part of a rifle squad. One of the crawling figures and one of the prone firing figures would be used together to make a AT Rifile stand (lengthen the rifle?). The officer figures could be used to make a CC and/or BC.

HaT also makes WWI French Infantry (Early)


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