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About me. Links. Have alot more to add. Photos..underconstruction, but open. Games room..opening soon. My memorial to Princess Diana. A swim with the manatees. This is the nursery..opening soon. I can only do one room at a Suggestions? In honor of JFK, Caroline and Lauren.
      Nice, but alot of work. I wish that I...  
  as lovely as a know the rest Tweet, tweet.      
Beware!..ya right!     Mine don't look this good.    
I spent daysand days painting this.and daysbeautiful, eh?       Nice touch, ya think?Like it?Hope so!Where were you when I needed help?

See the likeness? lol Hi, come on in. I hope you like my new homepage. Where would you like to visit? Just move your mouse over the door (2 places), windows & porches to see what rooms are available and to see what is next..hint: a nursery is in the very near future..(all grandma's need one).

Then you can't lose me.       Please?           It's easy. Just click here.           Go ahead peek.       Try it! It's fun.