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TOUCH DOWN BABY, YOU'RE HERE! SO PLEASE JOIN THE RING because I'm bored, not enough new people come around and so that means less exposure to new brands of ALE. Join the party. An obsessive like place for Rogue Squadron/Star Wars/Wedge/Bacta fans. Wanna be flyboys and some hero-wedge-worship groups who just like to sim the time away. Get yer hands off my mug, ya dirty goit!

HOW? it's pretty darned simplistic. Once you've joined you can just copy and paste this code down here (the same code will be mailed to you too) straight onto your webpage. But you're not quite finished. A little bit of editing to do. NOT MUCH. When you join you are givin an "ID". What you MUST do is go through the code and look for places marked "SiteID". Just type in YOUR site ID, no spaces or anything. Then of course put your email where it says "your email here" and your name where it says "your name here". Then the code is all YOU.

<!--START HTMLFRAGMENT--> <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=10> <TR> <TD VALIGN=MIDDLE><p><A HREF="" TARGET="_top"><img border=0 src=""> </a> </TD> <TD><DIV ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=MIDDLE> <font size="3"> This <A HREF="" TARGET= "_top">Rogue Squadron</A> site is owned by <FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="mailto:youremailhere">Your Name Here</A></FONT>. <br> Want to join the <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Rogue Squad Web?</A>? <p> </font> <font size="2"> <B>[<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Skip Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Prev</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Next</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Skip Next</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Random</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Next 5</A>] [<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">List Sites</A>] </font> </font> </b></P> <P><!--STOP HTML FRAGMENT--></P> </center> </font></font> </DIV> </TD> </TABLE> Now, if you DID it RIGHT yours should PROBABLY come out looking SOMETHING like this: Which is mine ;) So don't steal the one below!

This Rogue Squadron site is owned by Grand Admiral Red .
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HEY! Thanks for joining the Rogue Squadron Webring or just for paying us any attention at all. Gets lonely in the bin! If you have any problems, email: Grand Admiral Red