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TICC Performance - June 16 1996

The Triangle IBM Club Chorale appeared at Peace College June 15 and 16, 1996. The photos below are from June 16, and the sound clips are from June 15. Clicking on a photo will display it full-size. Clicking on a song title will play the sound clip. If you are using a 14.4 modem, visiting all the pages and sounds clips will take more than an hour.
Before we started, we met in the Kenan Hall rehearsal room. Chuck wished us luck in our last performance with him as director. 

Last minute preparations are made by our sound technicians, Fred Lofton and George Sawyer.

Finally, as we waited backstage, Director Chuck Petersen introduces the group. 

We opened with Made in the USA. RealAudio

Stephen Clos and Brenda Buffaloe swoon together in Basin Street Blues. RealAudio

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