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Meg's Place in This World

HEY ALL YOU LOVELY WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!! Welcome to my page, I am Meg (OBVIOUSLY) and no, i am NOT a blonde. Anyways, this page is about me, for my pals to check out so they can see what's up in my life! See, the thing behind the blond thing is, a couple of my friends make fun of me because I act kind of ditzy sometimes. hehe ok all the time! I am usually a pretty smart gurl, but when I hang out with my friends I am myself... hmm which would be, happy, fun, and sweet, and ditzy!! But not to give a bad impression or anything! BTW, I am dating the sweetest, funnest (haha i know it's not a word) cutest guy... he's one of my best friends and he rocks! :)Aright, I'm done rambling on now and scaring myself. GO LOOK AT MY PAGE!! hehehe

Yeah, It's February and I can't wait for school to end! Only what, another 4 months right? haha! I Just updated all of my pages today (2/23/01) I know it's been awhile, but it's all new so check it all out ok?

Check out my Updates page, as I update that oftener than this front page. I only do this when I have absolutley nothing else to do. If you are totally and completely bored, you can check out my Links page... and My all about ME!!! page.. I HAVE A PICS PAGE!! AHH GO LOOK AT IT!!

Email me,all my pals from Ambridge/Bradford/camp/wherever else you are from!! Guess what? I got my email fixed!! Don't forget to sign my GUESTBOOK..

My Pages

All About Me
My aWEsOmE LiNKs pAgE
Updates on my life
Shout-Outs to all my PALS
View my Guestbook
Let me know you were here-drop a line in my guestbook
My Freshman Year!!
My Guard Page! (Colorguard)
My Own Poems
