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~*Welcome to MY World*~

"Life is a great big canvas,

and you should throw all the paint on it you can."

~Danny Kaye~

My name is Joanne....but you can call me Jo for short...oh and this is my home page! TA DAAA!!!! Pretty spiffy or what? Well will be spiffy when I'm done. *hehehehehe*

Don't you just love that sheep up the top there....his name is Russ...he's cool and never gets tired of jumping over that fence...what a sheep, eh? I bet I could watch him for hours...before I fall asleep that is. *hehehe*

Lucky for you guys, that I'm not filling this page with info on me (*whew*), but I'll put in stuff that matters....if the capacity of my brain can conjure anything of that sort. *s* Joking!!! So, sign the guestbook and if you have any advice or tips or recommendations on what I could possibly put in here.....let me know! Oh and I have ICQ so you can also reach me by searching for my UIN which is 6619954! Thanks!! *BIG HUGS*


You can contact me on ICQ right now without even having to download the program. It works the same way as a pager (if I'm on-line that is). Give it a try! *s*

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~* Don't forget to sign my guestbook *~
~* .....or else how will I know you were here or not? *~

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That way you can come back here and give your home page a head to toe check up at the Web Site Garage.

This page began construction on
April 28/98!

And it changes almost everyday....well sort of!

The rest of my pages.....

Click here for INFO on me! *hehehe*
MY PICTURES...this is what I look like....check it out!
This is the LOVE ZONE for all those fellow romantics out there! *s*
Things That Make You Go Hmmm.....
The Great Weird vs. Normal Controversy.....coming soon
~* 101 Ways To Be Annoying... *~
.....My Poetry Revealed to the World.....
Links, Links and MORE Links....*hahaha*
My Friends' Pages - don't forget to check these babies out!

Click here for INFO on me! *hehehe*
MY PICTURES.....this is what I look like...check it out!
This is the LOVE ZONE for all those fellow romantics out there!
Things That Make You Go Hmmm....
The Great Weird vs. Normal Controversy.....coming soon
~* 101 Ways To Be Annoying...*~
.........My Poetry Revealed to The World........
Links, Links and MORE Links! *hahaha*
My Friend's Pages - don't forget to check these babies out!
