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Greetings A/all..please enjoy Y/your time here

*she comes into the great hall and scans the room with her bright blue eyes, they are lowered slightly in respect, but raised enough that she may see W/who are in the room. she spots her Master and Mistress' chairs, she makes her way across the room to the candle lit corner where Their chairs sit. her nearly see though black lace gown flows around her as she walks to Their chairs. she kneels beween Them her head up,back straight, eyes lowered to the floor, she slips her hands into the cuffs let open, one on each chair. They automatically snap closed, and there she stays during her visit to the room.~*

*she smiles for an instant then lowers her body low to the floor, pressing her forehead to the floor, stretching her arms out and raising her lower back slightly, begging welcome and holding that position, she indicates her wish to speak, she raises herself back to her kneeling position and speaks*

Greetings A/all this girl's name is reba, she is 26 and has been in the lifestyle for 6 years and she hails from North Carolina.

girl has been known by many names, angel_reba, slave_kala, kalara, but she now has a new nick that Only her Master and Mistress call her, that is angeleyez, but the most important title she has been given has been that of Their submissive. she has now found the Ones who she believes to be her True Master and Mistress (something a girl did not expect, but has found it to be more right than anything in her journyes). Their names are Master of the Midnight Thunder (Master Southeren Iceman) and Mistress Angel of the Night. They have taken this one's broken spirit and helped it heal, grow and become what it truely is. girl still has much to learn, but now she has the light to show her the way down the path that was set for her when the Goddess spun her lifeweb.

as of June 29th 2003 she took the collar of Master of the Midnight Thunder and Mistress Angel of the Night, thus becomming Their angeleyez, Their ms. reba, Their lil one, Their Friend. and in turn, They have become her Master and Mistress, her Protectors, Teachers, Guides and Lights and a part of her family, that ((goddess forbid)) if ever lost could never be replaced.

know that this one's heart is kept with her owners, They watch over and protect the one small piece left......and That is something They take to Their own heart, try to take it by force, or hurt it in any way, and there will be hell to disrespectful to this one and Y/you will learn quick how protective They are!

This girl thanks Y/you for visiting her page and she hopes Y/you have enjoyed Y/your time, and if Y/you are so inclined, please feel free to visit her links to where some of her stories and poetry are located. to Dominance and, there are quite a few helpful links and message boards there, her poetry page where she has all of her poems, her play list page of her likes dislikes and experiances, and to her morepix page where there are two pics of this girl and of Sir Top, and in the future more of her friends, but right now, there are mostly pix of her (makes this one look a bit vain she thinks...but hey....*smiles), she also has a link to a guest book, A/all are free to sign and leave her a message, if T/they so choose to. ~smiles~ she hopes Y/you enjoy.

also below is an essay of sorts that she wrote on her views of submission and what it means to her, if O/one disagrees, that is fine, this is just this girl's opinon.

Until Y/your return, this girl wishes Y/you well and safe journeys.


this girl was lying in bed one night contemplating the way she felt when she saw that Sir was not online nor had responded to her email. she had a nice conversation with her self. she did admit honestly that she was disapointed, but she also was concened that Sir was ok.

she came to the conclusion that submission was not as easy as she once thought, or that many think. for submission is not about the sub's happiness or satisfaction, but ultamitly it is about His happiness and His satisfaction. while it is true that the sub/slave attains their happiness and satisfaction from the happiness and satisfaction of Him, but to make Him happy or satisifyed so that the sub/slave will be happy and/or satisfiyed is selfish. for it is not about the sub/slave's happiness but His happiness.

true it is human nature to be a little selfish, but there is no room for that in true submission, for the sub/slave's very being is to serve and please Him, to be selfish and do so not out of wanting to please, but wanting pleasure, is nothing else but topping from the bottom, plain and simple. also it means the sub/slave has not given one's self compleatly over to the direction of the One who commands her.

For in true submission, the sub/slave thinks of nothing else but the pleasure/happiness of the One who commands her. she does not think that by pleasing Him she will then find her pleasure, she thinks solely of His pleasure and what she can do to further please Him.

when a sub/slave begins to think of her pleasure through the pleasure of the One, she needs to check herself, before her attitude leads to her Sir checking her attitude for her. she needs to stop and think, "would this line of thinking please Sir?" the answer this girl can assure you is "No." and if she keeps her mind on what will please Sir, then she will make further strives to move from being a sub to a slave.

here is where we find a difference between sub and slave. to a point.....(this girl said..."to a point") it is almost a given that a sub would have such ideas. but it is expected that as a sub moves down the path that leads to being a true slave, that she abandon those thoughts. for a true slave does not think of anything but pleasing her Master. she has no thought of her own pleasure, she has no worries that she will be pleased, she worries that her actions, attitueds and motions please her Master. and if it brings about her pleasure, then it would be pleasing to Master. its a cycle. the slave pleases Master, if Master wishes, He pleases the slave, and in the slave's pleasure and positive response, she pleases Master even more.

a slave is just that, she is property. she has a mind, a body, a heart and a soul. but they all belong to her Master, therefore she has no worries of her pleasure, of her safety. for she knows and trusts her Master totally. there are no thoughts of herself, no thoughts of her saftey, no thoughts of her pleasure, because all of those belong to her Master.

submission is a beautiful thing, but if it is not total, it is nothing more than something empty.....if a sub does not accept the leadership of One who wishes to lead her down the road to further develope that precious gift, then there is no reason to offer that gift in the first place.

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this girl's POETRY

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