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My Rules Page

Hello and welcome to my Rules Page. This page was set up as kind of an agreement between me the Webpage Designer and you the Future Webpage Owner, or FWO. I hope that you will accept my conditions and allow me to create for you your very own home on the Web. Let's get started., shall we? All of my stipulations are based off of three main rules.

Rule #1: I will not make any website that condones violence or hatred against any one. Anyone includes race, color, creed, denomination, nationality or sexual preference.

Rule #2: I will not make a page that shows nudity or condones sexual perversion of any kind. This includes porno. I will not have my name associated with such sites as this.

Rule #3: I will put my name and a link to my Design site on the bottom of each page I create for anyone. This will be advertisement for my Website and allow those that visit your page to know where you got it. This compensates for my low prices in creating a basic personal homepage for you the FWO.

My Personal Garontee

My word is my bond and being that I am a Christian I will not brake my word if I can help it. I will be truthful with you, I am only human just like everyone else on the face of the earth. In my personal garontee I promise that if for any reason you do not like the page I have made for you, you have the option of sending me the changes you wish to make or cancel the agreement between us. I wish to make your personal homepage the way you like. My Options Page is where you will go to decide which option you wish to take.

Your part of the agreement is to abide by my three rules above, and that if at any time you wish to make your website into something that I have stated above as me not associating with, you will take off my name from all of your pages and our agreement will be terminated.

Not at any time will I make changes to your website without your prior knowlege exept to update it. Any and all changes that take place will come from you the FWO. You also agree that at any time if you brake any of the rules above, our agreement is terminated.

Yes I Agree
No, I Do Not Agree

My Favorite Web sites

Angelfire Home Pages
Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

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