Katie's HomePage!!

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~*~Katie's Webpage~*~

Hey! My name is Katie. Welcome to my webpage. I am not going to be updating this a lot. I am a busy person..sorry!

I wanted to dedicate this webpage to Betsy. Her and I have known each other for about 14 years now. Her and I were both held back in the same grade and put in the same classes. We grew up together. I had my first sleep over at her house. I was so scared. I had never done that before. Her and I had a lot of first things together. (Nothing sick) Like all friends, we have had our fights, but we always seemed to make it through it. I am glad that her and I became friends. She lives in Ohio and I live in Florida. Even long distance friends work! Trust me! Love you Bets! Miss you bunches. Hope to see you soon.

I always seem to talk about love, but I am young. I do understand what it is, but I have been thinking that love is great. Sometimes it is great and then it gets to your head. You think that you love that person and either you change or they change. I guess that is what happens when you are my age. I am 19 and just understanding that just because a guy breaks up with you for no reason at all doesn't mean that you have to break down. I have a life with friends and I don't need that. I don't need the life that I thought that I needed. The life where "love" is everything. "Love" will find me when it is ready. You don't need a guy to live a great life. You can live your life knowing that when it is your time to be in a relationship, you will know. It will hit you like a sack of bricks. Just when you do find that person, don't get too overwhelmed. Just take things as they come to you.

I am a graduate at Atlantic Community High School. I graduated May 22nd, 2004. I can't believe that I am out. I finally did it. I am on my way to University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida. I am finally on my way to being myself and not having to worry about little people pulling me down.

I guess there is always someone in this world that you help and they will just turn around and hurt you. I have someone like that. I helped her out and she just turned on me. I don't need people like that in my life. I know that there will always be someone, but I can't believe that it would have been her. I have known her for 7 years and it just seems kinda odd. She would tell me how bad her friend hurt her and now she is doing the same to me. Well.. I hope she learned her lesson.

I just added pictures of Hurricane Alex. I was on vacation and I just happened to get caught in the storm. It was a crazy time. Go and see for yourself. I hope that you enjoy them!

Last updated: May 26th, 2004