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Pixie's Demented Brain Dissected

I'm just a regular jane, another fool injecting her presence onto the web to justify existence or somesuch bull. Those of you who know me may start laughing now; yes, this is yet another expression of my lifelong obsessive need to be a walking billboard. Those who might not know me: "abandon hope ye who enter here", uncharted brain at work and play. I have included here links that are some of my personal favorites, but then, who would put in links that they hate.... I wanted to link to the official Darrell Waltrip page, because he is a hero of my life-companion Regor, but I didn't want to break into his bookmarks to access the URL. His new computer is OFF LIMITS anyway. (snicker...) But there is your plug for DW, TranMan, don't say I didn't mention him. And sorry, but I can't bring myself to link to YOUR DALLAS COWBOYS. Not yet, anyway. Talk to me after the 98 season.
I will be **40** this month, oh man, middle age. I'm not even a grown-up yet; what am I doing entering the "almost senior citizen" age already? Eventually I will include here some pictures of my beautiful/demon rugrats, Erin and Matt, and my potbellied pig, Ladybug. But right now my scanner software is trying to make me feel stupid and incompetent, and I'm afraid it is succeeding. I hope someone can find something of significance in this page, because in this era of electronic information, you May Not use it to start your woodstove. 23 Skidoo. And Tigger too.

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Where the Pixie's Dendrites Roam

Panther Page: Home of My Carolina Panthers. This year Will be better. #12 will be focused. Greene, the semi-forgiven traitor, is back. They have some new blood. Retirees Sam Mills and Greg Kragen have joined the coaching staff. The guys are pumped and ready. Call me an optimist, but....

Tim Leary's Page is still online, minus the man in the flesh, but with him in spirit. "Timothy Leary's dead. No No No No he's outside looking in..." (MBlues)

Impropaganda: Paranoid? Enter Chapel Perilous. The number 23 will never look the same to you.

Rude Dog's Page: A friend's page, entertaining and informative, links to gobs of neat sites.

REGOR'S REALM: The homepage of "my man", my life-companion, "regor". I'll let him fill you in on it...

Blackstock's Page: Hours of clicking in many fun and informative areas.

Daily Wav: Auditory heaven. Hear and download movie and tv lines. Nyuk Nyuk.

Michael Flippin: The homepage of a friend. Behind the lawyer sharksuit is a very funny and sweet fellow.

My kids' pages. Go to Matt's from here then hitch a ride to Erin's from there.

Sara's Page: The site of my cousin in Memphis TN.

Angelfire: why do my links keep disappearing?

Warp to page 2, if you dare, for some literary links and opinions.

Personal Points of Irritation
