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Booh! Did I scare you?

Seriously, I guess since you are here you are curious as to who the hell I am. Well, par for the course, you won't find out too terribly much that you don't already know. That's because I tend to be a private type person who loves to laugh, goof around, and have a good time, yet keep that which is important to me locked away. Guess it goes back to what you don't know, you can't use to hurt me. (A hard lesson that I've learned from 2 husbands.) *giggle*

I suppose you want to know what I look like. Well, here's me in June of 2003. The orginal had my 2nd husband in it, but since I don't have his permission to post his picture, I figured it was better to just crop him out then cause yet another problem. :)

Those are my girls, my pride and joys. They are 7 and 6 (well, almost 6) and have been my strength through my sorrow, my sanity in the chaos, and my morning giggles. No matter what life throws at me I know that because of them I have done at least one thing right. *giggle*

Not the best picture, eh? Now don't go and get disappointed or run away screaming as that image was burned into your retinas. Since I separated with my last husband, I have gone through alot of changes. The biggest is this...

See how much better that is? *giggle*

Now that you know that I'm single, with two wonderful girls, and married twice, I guess all that's left is to tell you is the little stuff like my age (yeah, like that will ever happen *grin*).

Seriously though, I live in the mountains of North Carolina (USA). I spend most of my time either working, with my girls, or on Rebirth-of-Arda, an on-line roleplaying game. I've started a list of stuff that I enjoy, but am figuring out that the list is ever growing and ever changing. Just as my list of things that I would like to do before my time comes. :)

My favorite far
Come visit me on Arda whenever you can. :)

Oh yeah, no website is complete without a couple of URL's *giggle*

Arda's home page
Mud Connector - Where to surf for new and exciting Muds
