Destruction, World Domination, and Other Interests
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My Interests and Hobbies

On RPG's

I'm a big fan of fantasy role-playing games. I enjoy such series as Final Fantasy, Wizardry, Underlight and Ultima, and EverQuest. I am a former AD&D player and have tried some of the lesser known RPG's as well.  I've developed my own gaming system once or twice and would love to work on a creative staff to develop an on-line world.  (Unfortunately, my ideas are much larger than my ability to execute alone.)

On Ruling the World

I would like to be supreme dictator of the world. However, I must have unanimous acceptance of every individual in the world; I will not use force to subjugate the Earth!  My intention is to allow normal governments to operate as they currently do, making changes where I see the need, and to use my ingenuity to benefit mankind.  Sure, the fringe benefits will be nice, but I want unlimited power for only the right reasons. Anyone desiring to accept me as supreme world dictator (or comment on the matter) may do so by email or through my, loyal subject feedback form. The only obligation you will come under- until I am unanimously accepted by all the Earth and my word becomes law- is to promote my ascension in a lawful and tasteful manner.

My Goals

Whether or not I ever take over the world, I want to use my life and talents to optimize my positive effect on others.  My ideas are intended to bring fresh thought, laughter, and/or feelings of peace. As silly as this seems, this is my ultimate goal.  I have good reasons for it:

  1. If I don't do this, God will throw me into outer darkness where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  2. If I do at least try, God will reward me.
  3. I feel happy when I do good. (see #2)
  4. This is the right thing to do.
  5. I really want others to be happy.

Granted, I'm still lacking on the "do" part, but this is my ultimate goal.

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