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May 31: Tension in Indonesia

Amnesty International Calls Jiang a Scoundrel

Bush Says Open Trade Benefits China, US

Jiang Keen to Make Peace With Bush

Eyewitness: A North Korean Remembers

May 30: On Japan's New Nationalism

President Jiang Visits Huangshan

China Bars US Warship From Docking

On Mass Tragedy and Corporate Reaction

May 29: On the Rural Chinese Preference For Male Children

Philippine Islamic Rebels Threaten Hostages

Chinese Planting Trees to Honor Dead Instead of Burials

Shanghai and the Dangers of Chinese Car Traffic

May 28: An Explorer Says Arctic Ice Thinning Noticeably

Xiamen and the Impact of Beijing's Smuggling Crackdown

Report Finds Deteriorating Global Environment

Marchers Ask Beijing to Say "Sorry"

Deadly Shadow Darkens Remote Chinese Village (note: this article is from the New York Times and requires a quick registration to their site)

May 27: Taliban Hardliners Hinder Aid For Afghan People

The Dust Storms and Desertification in China

The Bush Administration's Role In The Issue of "Comfort Women"

An Eloquent Appeal In the Name of North Koreans

A Recent Column: "We Are America"

May 26: Security Treats Asian-American Congressman As Imposter

Li Hongzhi Voted Asia's Most Powerful Communicator

A Fashion Twist: Asians See Hair to Dye For

Jiang Says That Bush is "Confused and Unprincipled"

May 25: Chinese Earthquake Leaves 5,000 Homeless

China and US Agree To Ship Spy Plane Home

China Lodges Formal Diplomatic Protest Against US

May 24: Chinese Celebrate Takeover Of Tibet

China Detains Son of An "Old Leftist"

Zhu Rongji's Visit to Pakistan

May 23: China Bristles Over Bush's Meeting With Dalai Lama

Update on Flooded Mine in Sichuan Province

The 17-Point Agreement in Tibet

May 22: Fans, Detractors Meet Taiwan Leader in New York

China "Close to Joining the WTO"

Asia Grapples With Rising Software Piracy

May 21: Economic Delegation Visits Xian

Beijing Says That Tibetans Planned Self-Immolation

China Executes More Gang Members

May 20: Information About the Cambodian Genocide at the Hands of the Khmer Rouge

On Chinese "Re-Education Through Labour"

New US Military Involvement in Thailand

On the Chinese Anti-Crime Operation "Strike Hard"

Taiwan To Abolish Death Penalty

May 19: China and Japan to Discuss War History

China to Strengthen Supervision of the Internet

Rumsfeld's Spin Control on the Spy Plane Incident

50th Anniversary of Chinese Takeover in Tibet

President Chen's Video Conference With the Council on Foreign Relations, Taiwan

May 18: Koizumi Rejects China's Call For Textbook Revision

Is Food Aid Wrong For North Korea?

Taiwan Reaches Out to China

China Charges US Scholar With Spying

Blaze Devastates South Korean School

May 17: Rural China and Its Elections

China and Nepal

Asian Nations Set to Improve Children's Lives

Chen Shui-bian to Visit US

North Korean Food Crisis Worsens

May 16: Koreans Submit Nine-Million Name Petition

Powell Gloomy On Burmese Talks

US Surveillance Flights Quietly Resumed

May 15: A Day in the Life of Pyongyang, North Korea

US Meets China Over Missle Defense Program

China's Olympic Bid

Tibet Becomes Part of China 700 Years Ago

May 14: Women Entrepreneurs in China

Buddha Statues in China and India

Jiang to Visit North Korea

Indonesia Criticizes Japan For Distorting History

Ancient Central Asian Civilization Discovered

May 13: Chinese "Strike Hard" Campaign Against Subversion

Charges Against Anwar Ibrahim Dropped

Kashmir Jihadi's Thoughts On China

Chinese Riot in Xi'an

May 12: Chinese Premier Visits Pakistan

Microsoft Sets Software Sights On China

May 11: Japanese Whaling Ships Set Out On Hunt

Chinese Hackers Yield in Cyberwar With US

Global Forum Ends in Hong Kong

US Votes to Cut UN Funds

May 10: Taiwan Voices Support For Beijing's Olympic Bid

US and China Still Disagree About Spy Plane

Bush's America Upbraided by Loss of UN Seats

May 9: Jiang Zemin Offers Support For Hong Kong

Japan's Skewed History Books Are Straining Ties With Asia

Falun Gong Protests as Jiang Arrives

China Will Not Allow US Plane to Fly Home

May 8: Interview With 17th Karmapa Lama

Powerful Anti-China Warnings From a Japanese Student

Falun Gong Persecution Affecting Other Countries

May 7: Falun Gong Denied Entry to Hong Kong

Spy Plane May Soon Return to US

US Ousted From UN Human Rights Commission

US Resumes Spy Flights Off Coast of China

May 4: In US-China Ties, Money is the Boss

Landslide Tragedy in Chongqing

Liu Sola, Chinese Folk Singer, Discovers American Blues

US Admits Mistake on Suspension of China Ties

May 3: EU Struggles to Advance Korean Detente

Huge Landslide East of Chongqing

Harsh Reality of China's Social Divide

Pentagon Takes Back Rumsfeld's Suspension of Ties With China

Modern China's Thoughts on the Tang Dynasty

May 2: The US Media and China

May 1: Legislator Condemns Dalai Lama's Visit

On Asian-Americans and US-Sino Problems

EU Sets Out For Constructive Talks With North Korea

Pro-Chinese, Pro-US Hackers Continue Attacks

Defacements Rise in Chinese Hacker War









Diary: Index: Writings: Inner Pages: Research:Teachings:

Happenings: April Archive: March Archive: Feb. Archive:

Passions: Link Archive