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            Now that the reader may have gained a feel for where I am and where I have been, now it seems proper to provide a brief description of where I want to go.  Nothing can be assumed about the future.  Intentions and will power can be as sincere as possible, but a future that contains all hope and all energy in a life is not a realistic one.  Nevertheless, my current educational goals, once they are met, will give rise to a new set of goals.

            After graduation, it is my intention to deepen and enrich my study of Chinese language and Culture, not by throwing money at it, but by actually making a living in China.  Anyone who may like to can take a look at my resume, and I would sincerely appreciate any helpful advice.  As for the job market that is available for native English teachers in Asia, so far I feel that the market is pretty good.  Although it may not be the highest paying position available, there is potential for enrichment and experience of the culture that cannot be obtained through mere tourism or cushy, seasonal campus trips.  Some of the resources I may utilize may involve the miracle of cyberspace, such as:

ESL Café’s International Job Board

ESL Café’s Job Information Journal (China)

“Teach In China” Job Index

TEFL China Teahouse

Passport Services and Information

Instructions for VISA Application

United States Embassy in China

People’s Republic of China Embassy in US

Consulate General of PRC in New York

            Anyone who may want to know more about what is involved with this goal of mine can certainly find out more by exploring the above links.  But this is not where my aspirations end, by any means.  I hope to pursue my investigation and research into Chinese Philosophy & Religion to a higher level, and return to the States to enroll in a doctorate program that can fulfill both my financial needs and my educational goals.  A prime example, but admittedly a very high goal, is detailed and fulfilled at Stanford University.  There, not only will I be studying alongside such giants in the field of Chinese Buddhist Studies as Bernard Faure, but I will be closer to my best friend, who has shown me much about not only Chinese culture but the nature of true friendship.

            If these aspirations seem steep at first, it may be good to mention at this point that aiming high also entails an enormous amount of adaptation.  I will adapt as things change, and these dreams I have mentioned here will simply have to adapt with me.



Diary: Index: Writings: Inner Pages: Research:Teachings:

Happenings: April Archive: March Archive: Feb. Archive:

Passions: Link Archive