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THE FLORIDIAN, 28 November 1846 (Reference:Thanks to Jim Johnson)

Died in Leon County on the 8th November 1846 ANSEL FERRELL Sr. aged 84 years 1 month and 24 days.

The deceased was a native of North Carolina. He served with the militia of that State in the revolutionary war, and was at the battles of Guilford Court House and Eutaw Springs, where he was slightly wounded. He was also at the taking of Brown's Fort in Augusta, at the capture of a house known as the Widow Mott's and of a Fort on the Congaree, and was engaged in the course of the long struggle in various other expeditions against the English and Indians. He lived through the gloomiest days of the Republic, and poured out his blood that his posterity might be free. He survived long enough to see star after star appear upon the banner of the glorious old Thirteen, and his country powerful and prosperous at home and respected abroad; and he could say with old Simeon,"Lord let they servant now depart in peace."