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Thomas County, Georgia

Know all persons whom it may concern that I, Ansel Ferrell of the Sate & County of aforesaid,after paying all my just debts,for the good will and affection that I have toward my loving son,John M Ferrell,being crippled and by poordanes rendered incapable of laboring for his support,do voluntarily and freely give to my loving son, John M Ferrell,absolutely without any means of consideration,the lot of land and plantation where I now live.Also,my two Negro slaves by name, man Dick,woman Jinny,also my plantation tools,also my household and kitchen furniture,also my stock of cattle and stock of hogs to safely and peaceable hold the above described property absolutely without any manner of reservation to my beloved son John M Ferrell and his Lawful heirs to his and their only use and behoof in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th. day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.
Signed,Sealed and Delivered.

Ansel Ferrell ( A F )

in presence of wit;
Susan E Dickey
Shadrack E Dickey,J P

Entered this 24th May 1836
F.P.W. Atkinson Hansel R Sward,C S

Will 1: October 07, 1834, Written+Recorded Thomas co.,GA. May 24, 1836, Probated