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Family Record




Ansel Ferrell was born

September the 14 day --1762


Charity Ferrell was born

Sept the 25----1766


Betsy Ferrell was born

June the 13 day---1735


Hutchins Ferrell was

Born January the 22-----1787


Burton Ferrell was born

November the 8 day---1789


Luday Ferrell was born

August the 10 day---1792


Benjamin Ferrell was born

September the 25 day---1795


Jabez Ferrell was born

October the 12 day---1798


William Ferrell was born

March the 29 day---1802


Sallie Ann Ferrell was born

October the 30 day---1804


John M Ferrell was born

Oct the 30 day---1804


Patsy Ferrell was born

February the 23 day---1810



This ends the first page





Sabriney T Ferrell was born

The 24 of August ----1831


Gabriel Ferrell was born

The 28 of April ---1833


Nancy E Ferrell was born

The 6 of February --1835


Jesse M Ferrell was born

The 21 of September ---1837


George Morrison Ferrell was born

The 23 of July ---1839


Sarah Jane Ferrell

Was born the 10 of April ----1842


Ansel Ferrell was born

The 24 of May ----1844


Betsy Ferrell was born

April 11, 1846


Marney Ferrell was

Born the 1 day of April --1848


Charity Ferrell was born

July the 14 ---1850


George William McDonald

Was born the 22 of Sept --1874



This ends the second page-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Felix Burton Barker was

Born the 22 of April 1837

And died in his birth






Ann Elizabeth McDon

ald was born Oct 29 ----1868


Joseph Shelton

McDonald was

Born on the 6 of

Jan 1872


George William

McDonald was born

The 22 of September



Floranda McDonald

Was born19 of July








Virginia Ann Ferrell died

The 11 of (?) 1842


William Ferrell died the 29

Of August 1842

Age 40 years 5 months


W G Hopson died 25 of

December ----1845




Francis Ferrell depar

ted this life September

Year --1847 age 45



Ansel Ferrell

Departed this life

April 5 --1851

Age 25 years and

11 months


Benjamin Ferrell

Departed this life

June 12 ---1851 age

55 years and 8 months













Amandah A Hopson was born

The 15 of August -- 1829


Lock Francis Hopson was born

The 2 of August----1832


William Gus Hopson was born

The 03 of August---1835


Ansel Lu Hopson was born

The 13 of June---1838


Zachara H Hopson

Was born the 5 of August ---1841


Ansel Ferrell was born

The 22 of May ----1844


Lanni E Hopson

Was born the 17 of



Sallie Frank Gause

Was born March the 30 ---1861


Willie Lee Gause

Was born November 2,----1865


Joseph William Gause

Was born Feb 28 ---1867


Anna Elizabeth McDonald

Was born Oct 29th ----1868


Joseph Shelton McDonald was

Born Jan 6 ---1872







Sally Frazier died some

Time in Sept ---1825


Burton Ferrell departed

This life on Friday the 15

Of July----1836

Age 46 yrs 8 months old





Luday C Ferrell died the 21 of

January age 44 yrs 7 months


Nancy C Ferrell died the 11 of September

Age 2 yrs 7 months


Charity Ferrell died the

21 of February 1839 age 84

yrs 4 months


Emma H Ferrell

Departed this life January

15, 1840 age 8 years

and 4 months


Hutchins Ferrell died the

27 of July 1841 age 56 yrs and 6 months










W H McDonald


Naomi E Barker

Was married Feb 2 1868


Joseph Barker &

Cora E Bolin

Was married Sept 17 ---1878



















_______________This ends the third page





Alsey Strickland departed

This life March the 13 ---1857


Elizabeth Strickland departed

This life June the 27 ---1861

Aged 76 years 26 days


John M Ferrell departed

This life October the 25----1863

Aged (?) 5 years 11 months 25 days


Willie Lee Gause depa

rted this life Oct 15th

aged 11 months 18 days


Jabez Ferrell departed

This life Nov 1st 1866

Aged 68 yrs 20 days


Sallie Ann Barker departed

This life Sept 17 1869 age 64

Years 11 months 13 days


This ends last page.


THANKS! To Reese Ferrell for the copy