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Rifle Team

C/1SGT Wayne Nolin, C/SFC Robert Baker, C/MAJ Ryan Dorety, C/CPL Brad Martin, C/PVT Joe Settles.


Awards earned
at Glenn Rifle Meet: Ryan Dorety fired a 209 and was a warded a medal.
Joe Settles was awarded a medal at the National guard Rifle meet for firing over 210

98-99 Rifle Team (l-r) Rob, Jess, Matt, Ryan, and Justin at the County rifle Match

The Rifle team is a team that consists of skilled marksman. Female and Male cadets both compete against other schools in marksmanship. They use a .177 caliber air rifle. They shoot 30 targets and are scored out of 300 points. These cadets know range safety, and practice to be accurate and consistant. GENERAL: Each school is authorized to organize and train a cadet rifle team. These teams are designed to inspire a wholesome spirit of rivalry between each member and each high school in the Pearland ISD School System as well as a solid appreciation for firearms safety. MEMBERSHIP: All cadets are eligible to volunteer for the rifle team provided they meet the following requirements:

a. WS/FCS requirements for participation in athletics or extracurricular activities.
b. Willing at attend practice conducted after school.
c. Agree to participate in rifle matches.
d. Be approved by the SAI and have the desire, motivation, and capability of becoming a good marksman.

COMPETITION: Both "shoulder to shoulder" and "postal matches" will be conducted at local, state or national level. Upon successful completion of record fire course, cadets may qualify for more than one marksmanship award. Individual firers may also qualify for various rating patches and firing brassards. Firing matches and

Markshmanship competition are conducted under the rules of the National Rifle Association.

Rifle Team Requirements
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