some of the ever-so-great words that came outta their mouths


Chris: What if we make our own cereal? Like ëN Sync cereal! J.C.: Yeah but then we could possible be phased out Chris: Some of us could. The question is the strong will survive cause you know Pop was the coolest. Snap and Crackle were wusses. Lance: Yeah, wait which one was Pop? Chris: Pop had the dark hair with the yellow hat Lance: Oh I like the blonde one Chris: They were both blonde thatís why Lance: Ohhh Chris: Yeah see? J.C.: Oh I see Chris: You and Justin Lance: Me and Justin are gonna be faded out, huh? Chris: Phased out Lance: Thatís all right cause weíll start our own cereal Justin: Thatís all right we can be like Menudo Chris: That means I gotta go, huh? Justin: Yup! Chris: Iím tellin ya we could have like little marshmallow Nís in the cereal Joey: Crunchy stars Chris: Crunchy stars and marshmallow Nís Chris: ëN Sync the cereal

-I guess Iím really that funny, huh? JOEY
-You should quit us and then open for us. CHRIS
-Were trying to phase him [Lance] out! CHRIS
-Is your phone working? ...See I told you these things are rigged! ...Why are you talking to these people? You're being so nice to them and then you say sorry you're losing!CHRIS
-You're #13 sorry, #14 sorry, #15 sorry, hi your #16 sorryLANCE
-We're gonna phase you out like the Cookie Cop! ...[It's] Hillary Clinton and sheís ticked!CHRIS
-YOU WON A BOX OF CEREAL! YEAH! You know whatís gonna happen donít you? Next time we come to Grand Rapids they're gonna be throwing Cookie crisps on stage, I can feel it! CHRIS
-Lance likes Tasmanian devils, I like large bills. CHRIS
-I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said "Hey 'N Sync!" Uh, my name's Lance. LANCE
-Boom! Whoa! My hair was scaring me. JUSTIN
-Hey, we're on TV, man! CHRIS
-I need lots of calming down! CHRIS
-A bag of fleas is easier to control than our dear Chris Kirkpatrick! JC
-I think we're all mutts. CHRIS
-I'm JC. I'm 21. I'm from D.C., and I'm probably the sleepiest member of NSync. JC
-Although JC does dance in front of the mirror quite a lot and he makes all these crazy faces at himself!CHRIS
-I can't bear looking in the mirror-I guess that's why my hair looks like this!LANCE
-Lance uses us like wild dogs-he holds us by the leash and waits for us to sniff people out and then he goes and meets them himself! JOEY
-You see, JC matures too quickly. He peaked at the age of 15 and he's going down hill slowly. All he wants to do now is sleep! JOEY
-JC's just cheesy. JOEY
-Two penguins were on a boat getting some sun. One penguin says to the other, "Would you please pass me the radio?" And the penguin says " What do I look like a tomato?"CHRIS
-I just want someone who won't keep things from me. Like if she hates my hair, she needs to tell me! CHRIS
-Will I get in trouble for this?? CHRIS
-I don't have my own hairdresser. And I don't have friends like Lance has. CHRIS
-Finish this sentence: When I'm older.... Chris: But I'm already old.CHRIS
-I'll not get married probably, 'cos any girl won't take me. CHRIS
-In ten years I see myself having a nice home, I would love to have my own house. And I really want one of those dolls made of me. I just want to be a a doll! I want to be able see myself and say 'Hey, that's me in a doll!'JOEY
-You find the weirdest comfortable positions. Luckily I am smaller than the other guys, so I've got my feet tucked into that airplane pocket. That is, until we get rich and famous and use first-class all the time. CHRIS
-We're glad you guys aren't running around naked onstage! JC(HELLO)
-I hope he doesn't puke on me...that'd be really bad.JUSTIN
-Oh, you're NOT pressing that button!JUSTIN
-That's Lance. Lance was sleeping and I woke him up!... Good night! JOEY
-I'll play basketball but I am SO bad at it. And they make fun of me for it, but, you know, I like to try things. LANCE
-Chris is too much. He's crazy. Sometimes he's overwhelming. JUSTIN
-Maybe in the group I'm one of the top five!CHRIS
-Lance with the hands all over the place!JOEY(UMMM...)
-Fat boy! CHRIS
-I'd like to by a vowel. I'd like to buy an OHHH! JUSTIN, CHRIS, JOEY
-Let's play a remix... That's a good segue... Why let's... Alright...Here it comes...the remixCHRIS
-You're the 10th caller..that we called! CHRIS
-Oh this is good stuff. JOEY
-Oh, I guess not because you were a DOG!JUSTIN
-And he used to go in like Barney and go 'Hey little kids how ya doing? It's me Poofoo!' JUSTIN
-Theme park nothing. You were Poofoo! JOEY
-We want Lance, we want Lance, We want Lance...CHRIS
-I like sleeping alot...that's about it...thank you. JC
-And we got Lance! ...The four of us are replaceable... Lance is irreplaceable... He's albino... Quit lying, he's a Mississippi albino... They're very rare in this part of the country.CHRIS
-He's just rambling on!JC
-Well, we were all out albino hunting one day... CHRIS
-Oh that's my hair man. That's au naturale. I was born with dreads. I was born with a weave.CHRIS
-Thank you very much. I worked hard on that.JUSTIN
-Who wants to know? CHRIS AND JUSTIN
-Lance knows it exactly what it is. Tell em Lance... So much for your irreplacability!CHRIS
-Hi! We're here. You were worried about us, but now we're here! You thought we quit, didn't you? We didn't. We're not going duet! JUSTIN AND CHRIS
-You have to take one of your shoes off. And you have to have form too. When you're done you gotta stick your butt out like this. And then when you're done do like a pirouette thing with your hand and go back and grab your foot like that... Pirouette, pirouette... It's because she did the pirouette. CHRIS
Y [pronounced why]JOEY
CKKJC(then the guys start beating up on Joey and bugging him because he messed up his part!)
-I saw her first.JUSTIN
Don't go there.JC
(I Saw Her First is a song sang on MMC by JC)
-It's not about a horse... LANCE (referring to Giddy Up)
-I'm from this planet! I swear!CHRIS
-Joey is like Tickle Me Elmo!!CHRIS
-Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am! JC
-QUESTION: How do you feel about being sex symbols?
--CHRIS: Girl Power!
--QUESTION: What exactly does Girl Power mean to you?!?!?
--LANCE: We have no idea!
--CHRIS: I don't know but I bet the Spice Girls can kick our butts!
--JUSTIN: Hey, hey! No, there's only four of them now!
--CHRIS: Oh, we're taking them on! That's it! I forgot they lost a member.
-QUESTION: Is it an inny or an outy?
--JUSTIN: Is it an inny or an outy gentlemen? Mine's inny
--CHRIS: Mine's inny
--JOEY: Inny
--LANCE: I got an inny
--JC: Inny
--CHRIS: Wow, everyone's an inny!
--JUSTIN: Are you coming to the show tonight? (Reply yes), Then I'll show ya!
-We're single and ready to mingle!JUSTIN AND JOEY
-Eh, This is our first time on MTV news so we don't wanna mess it up... JUSTIN
-`What was that?' I've been afraid of girls ever since! I don't date anyone anymore, I don't go out. I just stay at home and watch TV. I'm telling you, this whole dating thing, getting kissed and then punched in the face is not for me! CHRIS
-I like German girls! LANCE--*ahem*irene*ahem*
-I just slip these bad boys on and I'm out cold!! JC
-Normally you gotta keep him[Chris] away from sugar, cause he'll go nuts. We travel in a small bus, and he's like a hurricane.LANCE
-I'm not really a morning or a night person, I'm just more of an awake person. CHRIS
-If we had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would have made it.CHRIS
-I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go 'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one.' I said "Oh my goodness. JC
Let it go, Just let it go Carson. JUSTIN
-My mom said I was singing before I could talk! CHRIS
-NO! I'm not a butterfly! JUSTIN
-Smoother than butta, baby. JUSTIN
-Naturally frosted. No, naturally curly. JUSTIN
-I was raised by my mom and sisters, so I grew up thinking women were the boss. Women are right, men are wrong, the end. CHRIS--THE RIGHT TYPE OF GUY
-I think we're all equally funny - it's just that I come out of the box the fastest. CHRIS
-The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you don't wash it off. Now that's a bad feeling - it goes all sticky and crusty! CHRIS-UMM OK??
-Sometimes I get homesick when I get home - I miss all the touring! CHRIS
-This will be great for the first week - till the dog starts making a mess all over the bus!CHRIS
-Bye! Im eatin' a CANDY bar! JUSTIN
-That would be a politically incorrect statement to make right now. We have no comment.CHRIS
-...and Justin has a small bladder. He won't admit it though. CHRIS
-Ananda: What is it, what is it guy power?
--Joey: It's dude power!
--Lance, J.C, and Joey: Dude power!!
--Justin: Dude power??
-Whatever Floats Your Boat! CHRIS
-Hey, I'm bigger than you.....quite a different level!!! JUSTIN(REEEEALLY)
-I was thinkin' somethin' original like Dumbo. CHRIS
-Shnookums LANCE
-I drank milk! JUSTIN
-I was on "Star Search"! I did do "Star Search" alright? Let it go! I got three and a quarter stars. JUSTIN
-No..I'm just the most intelligent one of the band. CHRIS
-Joey: He's [JC] been in prison for about what, five years?
--Lance: That [doing MMC] was their punishment.
-Chris: You know Justin was supposed to be the lead character in Titanic.
--Justin: Yeah, but I turned it down, I said 'Why don't you go get like, Leo?'
--JC: Leo almost turned it down, too. But he was like man, you offered it to Justin..
--Justin: I said 'Man, I'm moving on to bigger and better things. Maybe you should give it to Leo.'
---Joey: And Chris was going to be Kate Winslet.
-Less dancing cause we're gonna have really bad knees. [On where the group wants to be in 10 years.] LANCE
-Actually, I fear, actually, like somebody...cause when throwing stuffed animals on stage, I fear someone's gonna throw something like really heavy towards my head and it's gonna smack me unconscious and they'll have to take me to the hospital and I might die! That won't happen!JUSTIN
-Thanks guys, I can feel the love all around this room!CHRIS
-I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!!! JOEY
-He[Joey] showers in his swimming trunks. JOEY
-I am the cookieman and this is my sidekick sprinkles.JUSTIN
-We were all standing butt naked, I was in nothing but my shirt and boxers. JUSTIN-HEY BABY.
-It's[Titantic 2--The Iceberg's View] gonna be an iceberg for about 2 1/2 hours then boom a ship and it's over...and maybe a couple of crying penguins. CHRIS
-I fell off a bed kinda hurt too! JOEY
-JC: Lance gets NONE!!
--Lance: I get it ALL!!
-There's spit flying all over the place. LANCE
-I think I'm an AOL dummy! JUSTIN
- think I'm in Lance's dream.CHRIS
-Lance is what made us special. CHRIS
-...I honestly think that like Hanson just did something. Hanson and the Spice Girls just did something... JUSTIN
-We want to be like Spinal Tap. JUSTIN
-This is the Bass-man. LANCE
-This is the fat man. JOEY
-This is the J to the T. -JUSTIN
--Chris: Should I say that with a little more feeling? --Justin: Yeah say that sentence again. --Chris: Iím sure you hear this all the time but you have SUCH a sexy voice-oh baby. --Justin: You gotta put the emphasis on the oh baby. --Chris: Iím sure you hear this all the time but you have such a SEXY voice --All: OH BABY! --DJ: Well we gotta let Lance do the oh baby cause heís got the- --Chris: Heís got the bass voice --Lance: *Very low* Oh baby -So in other words Lance has the sexy voice and we have each other. CHRIS
--Justin: K heís gone now we can have a civilized interview --DJ: Somebody lock Chris out --Chris: (in background) Haha it doesnít lock! --Chris: The door doesnít lock
-Ummm-is it true yíall nominated me for the best bass singer for the Grammies this year? LANCE
-We did nominate you for teen idol of the year. JUSTIN
-Joey comes over and eats all our food anyway! SCRUB! JC
-Lance got a big old butt....
-I know I told you I be true... cuz Lance got a big old butt, so I'm eatin' you! JUSTIN AND JC
-Do you remember when they phased out BooBerry? ...Remember that Frankenberry and Count Chocula? What happened to BooBerry? Got rid of him! ...I donít know what it is-that just ainít right. We are gonna march a campaign..bring back the cop. ...Phased him out! ...We still got the Trix Rabbit, right? CHRIS
-Really? Their gonna phase him out too CHRIS
-It was Tony the Tiger JUSTIN
-The tiger caught him, GREEEAAAT JOEY
-Dead cartoon cereal box heaven CHRIS
-You know what they should do? They should have a celebrity deathmatch with all the mascots of cereal. Trix Rabbit, Tony the Tiger, Lucky Charms leprechaun JUSTIN
-All right, who took that 20 bucks from my pants pocket? I fell asleep on the plane and I woke up and there was 20 bucks missing and yaíll were grinning. I donít know who it was.CHRIS
-The old lady next to ya, she was coocoo for CoCo Puffs! LANCE
-An interviewer asked me if I thought I was sexy. Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't! JC
-The funny thing about JC is-well say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk. The four of us will go, 'Hey check out that girl!' And five minutes later JCwill go, 'Wow check out that dog. What kind is it? He's nuts about dogs.CHRIS
-I'm in love with an alien.CHRIS
-If my girlfriend were taller than me, I'd have to wear heels.CHRIS
-I was skydiving once and hit a bird.LANCE
-Fame is really funny. We were on the Regis & Kathy Lee show and some girl in the audience yelled out, 'Justin! Sit on my lap!' Excuuuse me?! I don't know you!JUSTIN
-I have big nostrils because when I was younger, I used to pick my nose.take a guess--JOEY
-Girl were you alone? LANCE
-Let's play some basketball. JUSTIN
-I sliced it. CHRIS
-He designed that, I'm gonna him him in the head. CHRIS
-Your not coming to the beach with me buddy. CHRIS to LANCE
No thank you. LANCE in reply
-M-I-C...c ya real soon...K-E-Y...y? because we got paid to...M-O-U-S-E. JUSTIN and JC
-You're grounded JC TO CHRIS
-I love you man! JUSTIN to CHRIS
-A big pool of Jello. JOEY on his fantasy(don't ask)
-I will smile all the time now CHRIS on getting his braces off

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