Are You With Me?? Yay or Nay

Which One Means Yes?? Yay...::chorus of yays::

sorry, i need the quote from robin hood men in tights...hehe
~*~note--when i originally started this, the release date was mar. 7

ok, let's get down to business. as most of you know, nsa (no strings attached) was supposed to be released by now. if you watched nsync on mtv spring break, jc said that the single was supposed to be out in the summer and the album in the early fall. well, they had legal trouble, so the album and single got pushed back a few times. well, i'm fed up with it!! i want the new album, as i'm sure most of you, that's where this webclub thang came from. one of my friends (yeah--we do have friends) and i were im-ing each other, and she asked me if i thought the album was actually coming out on march 7...i was like it better, of else i'm gonna kick some n sync @$$. and then we were talking and said that we're gonna get a group of nsync fans together and go down there to do it. that's why i made this banner. here's where you come in, if you feel the same way, take the banner and link it back here (the code's at the bottome of the page) and email me and tell me the following, that way we can get a list of supporters:
name or nickname
email (if you want it posted on the site or not)
site url and site name if you have a site. Check out the list of supporters.

here's the code:

<a href=""> <img src="" border="0"></a><br> click to find out how you can join!!