Chris Wants to Thank You

Chris has something very important to tell you, Tar. So what better way than to let his crazy self do a page for you...Here it goes..

Tar, how can i ever thank you?

My life was filled with monotony, I had no real friends my age..I was bored and listless

Then i met're too cool Tar..You're my best bud, and it makes me happy to talk to you. You introduced me to my Manders..

And now i'm so in love, i walk around in awe..

It's no secret...

You, my friend, are hipster doofus

I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have such great friends, like you, Lance, and Manders :)

If you can handle my crazy ways..

and my sometimes bad moods

Then we can be friends forever! Thanks so much Tara :) Love, Crazy Record Man Chris

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