200,000 and Going Strong!

This is just a small shout out to all you guys who have visited our page in the past year. I just noticed the other day that we have over 200,000 hits, and that's something to be proud of. I want to thank everybody who has written , singed the guestbook, IMed us, everything, for being so supportive (well..MOST of you have been supportive) especially with the Justin hate. We really love doing this humor stuff, even if we don't update as much as we would like, and we're going to keep doing it as long as those crazy little par-tay boys are around to make us giggle and swoon.

Words cannot explain what it means to us that so many of you have visited, and evidently, have come back to read our opinions and jokes about *NSYNC. Who would have known that we would have made so many good friends from working on this and corresponding with you guys. You are all the best, especially those of you who think OUR site is the best humor site! ;-)

Thanks Again! We love y'all!
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