Some Kids Are So Stupid

I don't know, Justin..Maybe you shouldn't be pittying JOEY..

We have been getting alot of guestbook entries and such lately that say something about how we "know" nsync..or we ARE *NSYNC. Here are a couple of these gems:

Hey! Guess What?? Sadly, we don't hang with *NSYNC. We never have, we probably never will. All the things on this page come from our sick, twisted minds. Sorry to disapoint you guys.

Lordy. Hey, guess what..Again. We aren't Justin. Why on earth would Justin make a page about his co-workers and make fun of himself? Um..I mean. I guess we can't fool you people any longer. We are *NSYNC. I am acutally Justin. So when you write in and say "YOU ARE A STUPID WHORE/HO/TRAMP/SLUT..Justin is MY man, don't make fun of him!!"..well I just sit back and laugh at them. But it's Entries Like this that make the whole "NSYNC humor page webmaster/ actual member of the group" gig worthwhile.

Aw Man. She's 18..she thinks we're *NSYNC. That's a bit scary. BUT HEY, I WILL SEND YOUR LOVE TO NSYNC! Cause we know them and all.. yikes

I know we shouldn't make fun. They are just little confused girls. BUT..they aren't little girls. They are actually..15. That should be old enough to separate fantasy from reality. But I guess not in their cases. and I shouldn't complain, I mean, at least they were NICE.

So just so ya'll know, we really aren't *NSYNC. We don't hang with him, we aren't dating any of them (yeah right, we wish)..we are just two young ladies with a little extra time on our hands.
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