Lance, The Super Sell Out

I was at the Grocery store the other night..HANGING OUT (yeah, I know.. what an exciting life I lead). I was looking through the newest issue of Teen People, and I found this picture:

I have never been so disturbed by a picture in my whole life. Not even when I found the picture of Lance touching Joey with a long blonde wig on *shudder*. This doesn't even look like him. Yellow Glasses? Common' Baby.. those are so incredibly not you. What is he even doing? What an idiot..

Now in my humble opinion, I think this pic speaks volumes. Lance has sold out and I'm not talking about a little bit. Of all the guys, Lance has let the fame go to his head most. First it's all Tommy and Cell Phones and his "artist"..then it's the whore from the other it's Lee Ann Rimes and yellow glasses. What happened to this?:

That is the Lance we knew!

This is the Lance we Love!

Fame is so fleeting. And someday he will learn that. But for now all we can do is shake our heads and say "Lance, I still love you, I'm just very dissapointed in you." Like a friend of mine said once..It's like a dog. When they poop on the floor, you get mad at them, and you hate what they did, but you don't hate them. You just have to clean up the mess and get on with your life. So Lancie, Please..Clean up the mess and get on with your life.

If anybody writes and tells me that they think Lances' new look is cool and his change is for the better, I will personally come find you and give you a West Huntington Beat down.

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