Lance's Condition

Alright, there was an e-mail on here about Lance, but I have been told it was just a rumor..But I really want to know what's going on guys. Please e-mail me with any updates or anything. I want to know the truth, and I think alot of you peeps out there also want to hear what's really going on. I really care about Lance, and I know alot of you guys do too...I want to know how worried I need to be about him :) So mail us at and I'll post whatever stuff I find out (THAT IS TRUE and can be CHECKED out) on this page..Here's what I know so far from the e-mails i've gotten: That's all. I also want to know if His queen monkey came to visit him, and I want to know where I can find the reviews for the concert (s) he missed. Thanks guys.
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