We Changed Our Minds About Big Joe

WE sure do like to make fun of Joey. Taking inventory of our page, I found that we have most of the sections on Joey. It's not that we hate him, we don't. This is something we have slowly come to realize. I think it started when we started getting Bops that had cute pictures of him..not the nasty greasy pimpy ones, but really adorable, Cute Attack Ones. Then it even got worse when we went to our concert.. Joey is da bomb at that concert. He is cute, he sings good, he's so happy, and he plays well off the audience. He sings and entire song my himself, and it's just way cute..i found myself taking pictures of him for no reason..scary, i know. So maybe it's time we re-evaluated him.

awww...look at him! He's so good with the little fans. I just love this picture..

You know..i've never heard any "Joey was a jerk to me" stories...from what I hear, he's a pretty nice guy..

Did you guys see him on TRL? I was flipping out. I had a major cute attack.. He didn't just act cute, he also looked good...And he RAN to the MTV studios so he could watch God Must Have Spent be retired. So was it that hard for Lance to come over too? how about jc? he must have been too tired to come huh? Magine that..

Okay.Okay...I'm sorry..I can't pretend anymore. I don't hate Joey. Not at all. In fact..i think Joey is cute. Very cute. He makes me laugh. He's not dating a whore, and if he is, then for some reason it doesn't matter to me. There is just something fun loving about that guy that i find very very...attractive. I am a closet Joey fan, and i'm going to admit it right here. I'm slowly becoming a Joey fan..

Recently, I have heard some not so nice stories about Joey..Guess what? I STILL Don't hate him. NOt at all. In fact, it makes me love him more. We want them to tell the truth and be themselves, right? Well that's exactly what Joey does..he's himself. He doesn't have anything to hide. Some people think it's gross, But I don't..i think it's commendable.

So see..Joey isn't that bad. He can be cute..he sings good..So..yeah..

*NOTE FROM EDITOR* Joey is still not my favorite..i just think he's cool now. I still love my little sell out boy. and sar still loves her sleepy man *NOTE FROM EDITOR 2* OKay..so when Lance is being a bad boy, Joey is my new fav. SO what? I'm still the same, loveable Manders :)
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