Poor Little Joey

Poor Joey. That boy just can't get a break, can he? He loves Wenders so much..and well you'll see what happened when he IMed her last night:

Joey: hey baby
Wendi: well, hello joey.
Joey: hey baby..ya want me yet?
Joey: i love you wendi
Wendi>: gee, thanks.
Joey: don't you want to get married?
Wendi: um, no. but thanks.
Joey: but..i made the wedding, just for you ;-)
Joey: common baby..you want a piece of big joe fatone?
Wendi: no way. is jc around?
Joey: yeah
Joey: hello?
Joey: this is jc
Wendi: um, err, hi jc.
Joey: hi..who's this?
Wendi: this is wendi. i am your number 1 fan.
Joey: aww..that's great! thanks..
Joey: you're the one joey talks about all the time
Wendi: yeah. are you busy?
Joey: nah..i'm never busy..i need to go to bed in a minute though
Joey: do you like..italian food?
Wendi: no, i like chinese food.
Joey: oh..umm...so do i
Wendi: really?
Joey: um..yeah...um...so...wanna do it?
Wendi: is this jc or joey?
Joey: umm...it's jc...
Wendi: oh. well, yes. i would like to have wild sex with you, please.
Joey: oh good!! i meann...um...sure...we will make..um...slow..passionate...love..
Joey: not wild kinky stuff like joey likes
Joey: he's gross....
Wendi: yes. and disease infested
Joey: hey! i mean...um...nah, he's clean
Wendi: wait. this is Joey.
Joey: no! it's jc!
Joey: i promise..
Joey: um...
Wendi: no its JOEY! Go To HELL!!
Joey: NO baby! no..wenders, i love you baby! ;-)
Wendi: dammit joey! why do you have to be like that.
Joey: cause i want you and you only want jc :(
Joey: makes big joe sad
Wendi: i dont care. you are a whore. a whore, i say!
Joey: no! i'm not, i just need love..
Joey: you need love
Joey: we all really need love
Wendi: yeah...nice try. too bad your quoting your own song, and a BAD song, at that.
Joey: baby i need you right now, i'm on my way
Joey: i'll see you in an hour
Joey: be ready ;-)
Wendi: NO! i hate you
Joey: i'm coming!
Joey: bye!

Awww..Poor guy. Always getting shot down by Wenders. But you've got to give him credit for still perservering even after she tells him she hates him. Well maybe someday Joey..and yes kids, this ACTUALLY happened on ACTUAL Instant Message, actually.

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