A Different Kind Of Fan

Summer 1999 was a bad summer for our boys. While they were playing sold out venues, we, the fans, were getting a glimpse of the "Real *NSYNC". This has been the cause of a huge stink on the internet amoung *NSYNC "fans" and even bitterness towards them. You all know what we think about it. I wrote a whole section on it not too long ago. Our opinion is that we have no place to look down on them. NONE. Aren't we the same people (some, not all) that party, drink, swear, and do all the same things that they do?

I think that the problem with most 'fans' is that they expect *NSYNC to be something they are not. Sit back and think about them for a second. Chris: he's 28 years old (I'm rounding folks). My cousin is 28 years old and he has been married for 6 years, has a very successful job, and has a one year old baby. . Chris is in a boyband, where he can't have a girlfriend, can't drink, can't even say a word without offending somebody. How about the rest of them? Well I am in college, so I am around guys that are 18-23. For instance: Tonight I went to this all night resturaunt with my boyfriend and his friends. They were saying the sickest, most perverted things I have ever heard. But was I offended? NO. Becuase they are boys. Guys just talk like that, especially when they all get together. What I am trying to say, is that underneath all the fame and good looks, Joey, Lance, JC and Justin are just dirty minded, gross guys.

So what does all this mean? It means that when we see or hear these behind the scenes stories about the guys, we should all just turn the other cheek. Why should we suprised at them acting like we have heard they act, then turn right around and laugh at our guy friends doing the exact same thing? How can most of us say, for instance, that Justin shouldn't drink, because he is underage, and then go to a club and have an older friend get a drink FOR you?

There are alot of hypocritical "fans" out there. Sarah and I consider ourselves to be a different kind of fan. A fan that appreciates the music, but can still buy bops and buttons. That can say "I LOVE THEM!" and in the same breath, poke fun of them. Who see them as a fantasy, as the "perfect guy", but also sees that they are regular men, living their dream and having the time of their lives doing it. Fans who don't need to find out their screen names, but when do, mail them just like we would a poser. Girls who have never had closer than the lawn for any concert, but still danced and clapped like we were in the front row. And enjoyed it.

We shouldn't be prying into their personal lives. It's none of our business. Buying music and knowing exactly what JC does when the doors close are two totally separate things. And sometimes, I feel like i'm fighting a losing battle, because there is so much negativity about them anymore. We all need to take step back and remember why we started to like them in the first place, even if this means totally ignoring rumors and stories. So can YOU be that kind of fan?

Any responses to this "article", go to our message board! and post it or just mail us...Common' we wanna know! :-)

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