Chris Pix!

We kinda feel sorry for chris. Since we started this page, we have done nothing but make cracks about his age. 27 isn't THAT old..So here are some pictures of Chris that we think are pretty cute. And he has majorly grown on us in the past couple of months. We can say that he is our favorite personality we are sorry Chris, you'll be neglected no more.

AHHH!! Chris was the worlds cutest baby! We have major yelling cute attacks on his baby pictures.

Another one!! What a cutie..look at those cheeks!

okay..not too bad, not too bad. I'm sure he's trying out his different acting faces because he is just so sure the movie companies are going to call any second now

I love his glasses..he should never be allowed to take them off

Aww...look how happy

Epcot is in the back, and we love us some Epcot..oh yeah, Chris Looks pretty good too

These piggy tails are so cute

If you don't say that this is the cutest picture in the entire world, you must be on crack. That's all there is to it.

My friend Melissa is the worlds biggest Chris fan..she has 200 pictures of him on her Chris fan site. Here is the banner she made to commemorate the special occasion.

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