"Good reading is damn hard writing." -Mark Twain

My Stories

A Shoulder To Lean On *Complete*
What Dreams May Come *sequel to ASTLO*
Beauty and The Pop Star *Complete*
How Come, How Long?
More Precious Than Gold

Hi everyone :) The story may be over, but the favorite quotes for WDMC are up! Check it out, lol.

oh and there's an new award thing i was nominated for. i don't normally care about awards but it's a friend of mine's site so i thought i'd promote it. thanks to whoever nominated me, :-) oh and dude, check out my new banners....i made the one for ASTLO and HCHL...ON MY OWN!! and my friend, *twin, lol* angel is making me banners for the other. so check em out. everyone loves praise, lol. Also, I finally got all my broken links to work. For example, I was the first recipient of the "My page does NOT suck." award a few weeks ago and I've finally gotten the pic to work. So check that out, the girl whose site it is is very cool. *cough cough, yeah i learned english yesterday...* It's great to know, my fan fic doesn't suck. LMAO. And remember, my review of NSA is up. It's late, but it's there and a lot of you all requested it. So...your wish is my command. *L* The link is under the intro on this page.. I've also got a new page up in frame format if it's easier for you guys that way...and even if it's not i'd like to see what you think. it's at https://www.angelfire.com/nc/nsyncfiction/frames.html. So please check it out and tell me what you think. Remember to send feedback to Jen and Cassie if you have comments about MPTG or HCHL (respectively). Also, if you want to be updated, click below and fill in ur email addy. You do NOT have to fill out all the questions it asks for. I don't require any personal information!! So when it asks, just skip it, scroll down to the bottom and hit "join". You will automatically be notified when I update and it'll be a ton easier on me. Also, if you would like to unsubscribe at any time, there is that option below too. It may seem like a lot of trouble but it's not...you gotta figure...one minute of signing up for a million hours of fiction pleasure. LMAO. Hope you enjoy, and HAPPY READING!

P.S. There's a new awards thing at Cassie, the webmonster's, site now too...*you know, the Lair!!* so please if you like what you read, please go to her site and nominate a sista! *L*

SaJo's NSA Review!

Guess who made a links page!

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Email: sajo18@hotmail.com