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ChEcK tHeSe PlAcEs OuT!

My other wicked site.
All about me baby!
All about Justin of *N Sync.
~Picture Album One~
~Picture Album Two~
~Picture Album Three~
Adopt a POOT!
Hotmail is coolio!

Okay, so you all know by now that I've decided to go solo! Amazing eh?! I know everyone had their heart set on the whole being in a band deal but things got really messed up and people left to switch to different bands so I figured since I was not planning on changing the type of music that I'd just go solo if I can handle it. I recently copied some songs on to a CD and if you are interested in a copy please notify me at

Also, you can download two samples of what you might be hearing sometime soon. So just tell me out of the two which one that you think is the best! Thanks a bunch!


Blame On You!

Saying Goodbye

Thanx a bunch for checking out my page. Take the time to check out my whole site. I'd like to say hey to everyone who's checkin' my site out so "HEY!" Have a nice day and be hyper all the way! :) Catch ya L8TR! And remember, La de da :0)... And yes, I really am BATGIRL!!


A hoy hoy!!! I am batgirl, oh yes! You better believe it! And I'm here to stay.. And if my crazy talk don't scare ya away *L* then um.. I'll have to do something about that.. Nah, I'll just stick Indiana Jones on you..... Or.. Burger boy.... Or Mr. Evil Swan.. No wait.. He's dead.. Ok.. Indiana Jones then.. No wait.. What's about Trained Assassin.. Now, he's pretty cool..... So beware!! HAHAHAHA....

Indiana Jones.. Now um.. He's... An awesome kinda dude.. Only thing is.. He looks up to Jonny Bravo!!

Anyways, well.. Indiana Jones has a cool rope whip.. And it hurts.. Just not as good as mine tho! *L*


Be afraid, be very afraid.. If he shoots ya once, shame on him. If he shoots ya twice, shame on u! :P

If you would to contact me on ICQ my number is 1850973. Thanx for coming. Hey you!!! Would ya sign my guestbook peas and carrots?? It would make my day complete! Tankies :)

This is my little furball. Its name is Twitter_JJ!

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