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Virgin of the third millennium

The icon "Virgin of the third Millennium" is the second model of the Virgin of Vladimir that is in the Tretjakov Gallery of Moscow considered the greatest icon of the Holy Mother of God, that the Pope John XXIII proclaimed patron of the unity of the Church.

In our Icon the leading character of the piece of art is the look of the Virgin: we are not the one looking at the Virgin, but is Mary that looks at us, our sufferings, our sins, our anguish... and provides, like in Cana of Galilee, when at the wedding was missing wine.

The colour red and yellow of the fire surround the burning bush from where God spoke to Moses. It’s the fire of the divine zeal for the sake of men.

The Virgin looks at our life and see that is missing the wine of the resurrection: the victory of life on death. Our human wedding, our joy are not full, it is missing wine. Christ, her beloved son fulfils the eternal salvation for us. He rose from death and made real the wine.

Now everything has a meaning, Christ is risen, death is defeated and the virgin interceding for us invites us to bring wine to every man, the wine of the new evangelisation.

The Holy Virgin with the Child are surrounded by the writings:

Ave stella novae evangelízationis

tertio millennio Maria humílís

mater gloriosa ".

The icon measures 100 x 74 cm. It is painted with oil colours.