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Neo-Catechumenal Communities, Singapore




Fr Basil Lek with his family after his ordination on 29 May 2004

Fr Basil Lek blessed Fr Ignatius after his ordination on 29 May 2004

The late Fr David Thexeira with his parents after his ordination on 15 July 1999. He was called to the Lord on 14 Dec 2007. May he rest in peace.

Ordination of Fr Timothy Yeo (2nd from left) on 17 July 1997

Our Itinerant Catechists Fr Pippo and Fernando

Ordination of Fr Ignatius Low (2nd from left) on 7 Aug 1995

Fr Ignatius Low with Responsible of Community of St Francis of Assisi

Baptism of adult during Easter Vigil

Annual Convivence 2002 - Pentential Celebration with Bishop Chan

Annual Convivence 2002

Annual Convivence 2002 - Fr Timothy & Fr Pippo

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