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NA History Page

Why an NA History Page?

This page was created strictly for the purpose of displaying items of interest to the NA Historian, and interested members. The history of Narcotics Anonymous is rich with conflict, resolution, problems and solutions. What is hoped to be accomplished with this page is that there be one place that has a comprehensive history, which, of course, will be constantly updated as newer information comes to light.

NA's first Informational Pamphlet

NA's first service gudeline: The NA Tree

The original 4th Tradition

The original 9th Tradition

World Services Board of Trustees Bulletin #26. This talks about the literature trust, and details the differences between the various editions of the Basic Texts.

Text of Jimmy K.'s Talk at the 20th NA Anniversary dinner.

A copy of the WSCBOD report with the court order set forth in January, 1991 concerning the "Baby Blue" Basic Text, a Text printed by members of the fellowship to give away to newcomers.

A copy of the results at the World Service Conference concerning the above report

A letter from The defendant's lawyer concerning the World Service Office's handling of the above court order at the World Service Conference.

Scanned pics of Baby Blues

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This Page was last updated on 11/21/98

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