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A hero is someone to look up to, to aspire to be like, to fill the footsteps of. While some may see the ace athlete who just won the game in a key situation, I see a whole different view.

There are people who put their life on the line at all times to save those they do not know. That voice on the other end that becomes a victim's lifeline. Those who charge in a burning house save an infant from fatality. Those who dive into freezing cold water to save a victim from drowning. Those who are there for a mother-to-be when the hospital is too far away. Those who have made split second decisions to save a life.

This is the more "glorious" side of them. They have also been a second to slow and watched the infant become engulfed in flames. They have watched people drown in the frigid water because the scene kept them from a rescue. They have given resuscitation to a cardiac patient who ended up losing the battle for life. They have also seen their split second decision cost a life.

To me, I see no comparison to the athlete. These people risk their lives to save ours. These are the real life heroes. And what makes it even greater, They do not see it as anything near heroic, just part of their everyday routine.

I am proud to call these people my heroes, and even more proud to call some my friends.


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