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The Girl In The White Dress


It is one in the morning

And I am watching "Citizen Kane" on TMC

It is the seventh time I have seen it

Maybe the eighth

I never cared much about Rosebud

How excited can you get about a sled

But it always catches my attention

When Everett Sloane talks about the girl in the white dress

With the white parasol

That he saw for just a second back in 1899

And how a month didn't go buy

That he didn't think about her

I wonder how Nancy is doing

She worked at the corner drug store

And would always smile sweetly at me

And ask me how my allergies were

She quit three years ago

Her boss said she moved to Wyoming

And I never got to know her last name

Or if she has any family

Or if she has any allergies

And a month doesn't go buy

That I don't wonder

What she might look like in a white dress





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