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13th Year of Journaling

My Life Journey

1997 Journal
1998 Journal
1999 Journal
Starting off the year 2001
January Kick Off 2002
Spring 2003
Summer 2003
Fall 2003
Spring 2005
2006 Kickoff
Spring -Summer2006
Fall-Winter 2006-7
Spring-Summer 2007
Spring-Summer-Fall 2008
Fall-Winter 2008-2009
Spring-Summer 2009
Fall-Winter 2009-10, Spring and on
Spring and on 2010

2011--It starts tomorrow and I am ready for it. I want each day to be a positive one and it is my job to make it so. I am at my lifetime high in weight and nightly wine is not a good habit--so those to areas are top priority to change. I have signed up for 2 art classes and am ready to get back to art. Family and friends are always at the top of the list--and so off to a more purposeful 2011 am I. Tonight a small party here to celebrate New Year's Eve and then tomorrow--a new year. Wow--I am excited. Here it is the Spring of 2010 and I am back--yea life--so much to be thankful for--and we are about to move to our new cluster home as soon as it is finished. As usual, I fight the weight loss fight, love my family, my art, my French, seek my spiritual center, usually with difficulty, and say thank you to God for friends whom I love, the most dear grandchildren ever and to my husband for putting up with all my worries as we build this house--he is my brick.

Happy New Year--can it be 2009? As I happily enter this new year, I look forward to using my journal for weight monitoring, art, spiritual quest,friendship discovery, French immersion and love of family. So I shall work on my resolutions for the upcoming year and hope to make progress on my life journey.

"I am centered and connected to my inner spirit. I am blessed." I must focus on getting my weight back down--this holiday season has challenged me and I am ready to get to work.

Happy 2006--Here it is October and I am writing a word or 2--still at 133, though earlier had been down to 129--it's time to renew the weight plan and keep on art and spirit.

2005--I made some real strides this year--made my daily prayer time more meaningful and an inherent part of each day. Lost 14 pounds down to 129--and then following a 3 week trip to Greece and parties October thru yearend--sigh--I gained back to 139. January 1--tomorrow marks the renewal of that effort. I did some nice painting, but no where near enough. So here we go again, weight to 125, spiritual growth and giving and paint. Peace and Love--how lucky I am.

2004-- I am grateful to be here and look forward to making this a year of joy and hope.Well, many things have changed with the help of this journal and I am ready to take on another challenge!

In 2003 I made some real strides in painting, but have been on again off again this year. Also had a good improvement in weight, only to have it re-up during the holiday months. Reading, spiritual development and of course, living the French life in America are all still on the list. Since, I really need to restructure the site by year, for now I will start the year in Winter-2004, and do some consolidation when I have a bit of time. So that's the link to get me on my way to a glorious new year.