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Nelson and Greg Home Page

This page is about Greg and Nelson, two gay Lovers!!



Greg is 39 years old, O man I am going to have a birthday soon, White American Male
Nelson is 30 years old, Hispanic Ecuadorian Male

We are now having our 1 year together and the pictures are some old ones we have but more will come sometime soon!!!!

We are updating the page and are putting pictures on as we can! There is a 2nd page, so click on the link below, we don't have many there but we have a few so look. We love eachother very, very much; Hy we been together for 1 year so who is to say it will not be along time to come to are together!!! We want to live a good loving life together!!!!!!! AND WE ARE TOO!!!!

The picture above is me and Nelson at home, We live in Cary, NC

Nelson my latin lover (on RIGHT) and me Greg (on LEFT) The picture above is my Lover NELSON, he is from Quito, Ecuador, he likes to teach deaf people and he goes to the hospital and plays with, talks to the children, he has a dog named Astrid (she is in Quito with Nelson's mother), he likes the beach and many other things. I like many of the same things as well!! We go to MCC in Raleigh, NC

Ahora un poco de castellano para mis coterraneos latinos, Si existen las relaciones a largo plazo, tanto Greg como Yo asi lo creemos y estamos decididos a seguir juntos por mucho tiempo, lo mas importante en una relacion es el desprendimiento que cada uno hace y el aporte que ofrece a la otra persona para su crecimiento y desarrollo, esto ayudara a mantener una relacion y dara fuerzas en momentos dificiles, pero despues de la tormenta retorna la calma y estas en compania para disfrutar el esplandor del sol y seguir adelante.
If you would like to get in contact with us or just let us know that you dropped by send E-mail to:


This is the car that we will drive! It is a 1986 Camaro and has a T-top, we now have another car and it is a Nissan (blue) cheap but it gets us to work and back and the Camaro is for the weekends now!!

Pictures of our home are on the way but not here yet!

Under Construction

This page is a page still being worked on so please come back and see new things have been done and see what is going on with us!! 1st time updated: 5/24/99

LAST UPDATE 6/2/2000

OTHER LINKS that may help Couples wanting to get together CLICK on Page 2!


Gay Latino/Hispanic Ring site is owned by Greg and Nelson
There is another place that you should visit and that is: | Next | Next 5 Sites | List Sites | Join |

There will be more to come but these are just a few!

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