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Host of the Week Host-Track
for helping with MacChat Radio those interested in DJing contact Host-Track, MacGyver
or emai room submissions (link below) w/subject "MacChat DJ inquiry" as 1st line in email,
along with details, how many mp3s, connect speed etc...
Scroll Down For Room Selections
Trivia Wed Nights @ 9PM EST... Click banner for trivia room
Yahtzee Tourneys @ 8PM EST...Locate Host for more info...
Gammon Tourneys nightly, Paint Contests Mon and Fri evenings...

MacChat Rooms:

Thanksgiving Poll

Gammon Tourneys, Contact Host-Tassie for more info.

MacChat Paint Contest...Mon and Fri
<-- Listed Under MacChat Rooms

Want a page added to picker? A friend having trouble logging in? Send all inquires or room ideas to MacChat Room Submissions

Yackityyak,MacChat...working together for a better chat experience.
Welcome to MacChat, locate a Host if you need assistance.
MacChat is for those 18+ mature and can act like responsible adults

I want to thank everyone who has given your support to MacChat
a nice place to chat, make friends & have fun without all the drama

Notice: Drama, BS, Trouble Makers, Players, Head Games, Harassment, Stalking, Flooding & Personal attacks on chatters & hosts won't be tolerated!
Violators IPs are logged & reported to their ISP. This is your ONLY warning! Anyone caught doing so is banned forever.   Hosts can remove you at any time without a warning, so be cool or be history!   Admin decision is final!

Thank you, we hope your stay is an enjoyable & pleasant one :)  














NOTICE: Persons coming in from another chat trying to solicit members for your Gammon or other Event(s):
PLEASE REFRAIN from doing so, complaints have been coming in saying they can't concentrate on the game or enjoy playing;
 with your insistent asking to join another league or ladder, interrupting them either in game, room or IM's.
Some people need their full attention on a game and would rather be focused on Tournament play
and don't like distractions.  It's against MacChat Gammon Case's Ladder and MacChat Rules.
It is considered RUDE and INCONSIDERATE, I wouldn't go to your chat doing it, so DON'T do it in mine!
If you are coming in to play gammon that is fine, then do so and have fun.
 And not to be asking people if they want to join yours or another!
This is NOT a Recruiting Zone for your ladder or league,
If you continue to do so, Further action will be taken against you.
I will not get into any discussions about this or argue about it.  This text is enough, subject closed
 This is your only warning TY!